7 brilliant ideas on the use of yarn residues


Each needlewoman with time accumulates some amount of excess yarn. Sometimes colored balls are scattered throughout the house! You can, of course, buy a rare cabinet and decompose the rods on the shelves to better times ... But there is a more interesting idea! Let the remains of the yarn for the manufacture of cozy little things that will make your home more convenient and more comfortable. Some require the whole pair of minutes!

Pictures on request of ideas on the use of yarn residues

What to do from the remains of yarn

"Patchwork" plaid from color hexagons.

7 brilliant ideas on the use of yarn residues ...
7 brilliant ideas on the use of yarn residues ...

For such a blanket, you can use even the smallest girls. Beginners are better working with threads of one thickness and textures. And those who are confident in their skill, you can try to work with different materials. Between themselves hexagons can be sewed with a thick needle or connect using a hook. If there are football lovers among your friends, they will appreciate the plaid of such a design performed in black and white tones. After all, in essence, the ornament repeats the drawing of a classic soccer ball.

Napkin in grandma style.

7 brilliant ideas on the use of yarn residues ...

Such a binding was very popular half a century ago. After all, our grandmothers knew a lot about saving! The pattern makes it possible to use every remaining thread. A cozy rug or bedspread will be released from thick yarn. And thin cotton will go to the creation of napkins, tablecloths or bedspreads for pillows. Classical strip allows you to successfully combine the most different thread color. For example, 24 different colors are used in one work at once!

Bouquet of gloms.

7 brilliant ideas on the use of yarn residues ...

Talking from colored threads can be decorated at home by themselves. Of course, if they do not roll around the house! Simply assemble the suitable color and size of the yarn, scab on the needles or wooden sticks and put in the vase. To get a real bouquet, add artificial or natural leaves to it.

Hangerian shoulders.

7 brilliant ideas on the use of yarn residues ...

In the wardrobe of this fashionista, there is always a pair of extra hangers. But the accessory can be made independently. Just tie the colored yarn base from thick wire. Soft hangers will not be shifted to the beloved dress. You can make thematic things as a gift to friends. Bride on the wedding day you can give "Holders" from white yarn with lace trim. And the combination of red with white will emphasize Christmas mood! You can make blue or pink hangers on the occasion of a girlfriend of a boy or a girl ... If you certainly do not oppose gender stereotypes!

Pencil case

7 brilliant ideas on the use of yarn residues ...

Instead of buying pencil pencils and handles in stationery store, you can connect it from yarn residues. In addition to its low price, penalties has another important advantage - it is very light. So, a schoolboy's backpack will be less severe. This accessory is suitable for storing written accessories on the desktop.

Knitted rods.

7 brilliant ideas on the use of yarn residues ...

Such rings can be knit from each balance of threads. And there are options for their use. It can be a ring for a shawl or paletenten, bracelet or fastening for writing accessories. And if you use a mating "Rubber", an excellent hair accessory will be released.

Scarf in the "patchwork" technique.

7 brilliant ideas on the use of yarn residues ...

Sometimes the best way to use yarn left after knitting one thing - start knitting another. For example, in such a scarf performed in ethnic style, you can combine several contrasting colors at once. To emphasize the original image will help the fringe. Due to air mating, the consumption of threads on such a product is minimal. And if you have a lot of yarn, try tightening the shawl or palatine.

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