How beautifully decorate cake to Easter


The usefulness of this method of decoration speaks by itself. For decoration, you can use different cessies - purchased in the store or cooked independently. Natural, not tinted cessies - what is needed on the festive cake. Create decoration on a festive table. So, let's begin.

Pattern of dough


Classic way to decorate. For a long time, in order to decorate the chief attribute of Easter, the craftsmen used this way. The simplest ornament, from the formed sausage from the test to make the decoration in the form of letters "x in". After cooking, the dough in decoration retains its shape, often at the same time acquiring a golden look of a crust. In this embodiment, the ready-made cake is not recommended to be covered with icing, but, as always, it all depends on the fantasy and the skill of the cooking.

Sugar sprinkles and glaze

How beautifully decorate cake to Easter

In the past, a tinned millet was used to decorate cakes, which decorated the top of the crush. Today in stores you can find the sprinkles of not only various forms, but also colors. Thanks to the sprinkles, the cake can be decorated not only in one color scheme, and combining different springs can be created something new.

Candied fruit

How beautifully decorate cake to Easter

The usefulness of this method of decoration speaks by itself. For decoration, you can use various candies - purchased in the store or cooked independently. Natural, incomprehensible candles - what is needed on the festive cake.

Nuts, seeds

How beautifully decorate cake to Easter

Another way to decorate. It is good that shops offer a large selection. Different nuts with different textures and sizes will decorate the cake as it is impossible. Seeds are also optimally suitable for this method. Several seed species will bring not only brightness, but also additional utility. In this option, it is impossible to forget about not quite ordinary nuts and seeds, about which it is often not even recalled - squeeze (white and black), as well as coconut chips.


How beautifully decorate cake to Easter

Purchased or homemade - always brightness of paints and unusualness. Earlier, we have already talked about how to cook a meringue at home with a recipe.

Mastic and marzipan.

How beautifully decorate cake to Easter

Both of these options will allow creating various figures and letters. This decoration will delight kids and will allow you to get together at the time of cooking with the whole family. In addition, and mastic and marzipan can be found everywhere, and bright colored options will like to do anything.

Flowers from Marshmallow and Gingerbread

How beautifully decorate cake to Easter

Artistically created marshmallow - work of art. And how do they not decorate cakes? Natural components can give both sweetness and tartness. Gingerbread is also not worth the side. Small gingerbreads that create masters - paintings in miniature. Here is a huge variety of patterns, colors and space for fantasy.


How beautifully decorate cake to Easter

One of the easiest ways to decorate. About the decorations from it, everyone knows, therefore it is not worth stopping in more detail. The main thing is to remember that in most cases the cream has a limited expiration date, which means it can begin to deteriorate very quickly, compared with the rest of the previously published options.

Chocolate and Iceing

How beautifully decorate cake to Easter

Good options for creating jewelry. They can be made independently or buy ready-made ingredients and apply patterns into cake. About them, as well as about Meringu, already told in the previous article, in which examples of decoration and recipes for creating beauty at home are given.

Inedible decor

How beautifully decorate cake to Easter

Another version of the decor, here you can attribute toppers or cuts. In needlework stores, you can pick up various options - already ready-made billets cutted with a laser or printed and cut on cardboard. For everyone, this is a matter of taste - stick to natural materials or use bright modern decorations.

How beautifully decorate cake to Easter

Paper Napkins and Parchment

How beautifully decorate cake to Easter

All more often begin to come across in stores. Beautiful paper napkins. Such napkins look air and gently, respectively, the cake on such napkins will look very gently and neatly. Another option is kraft. It is sometimes still replaced with the bakery.

How beautifully decorate cake to Easter

Ribbons and lace

How beautifully decorate cake to Easter

Both options are textiles. They can beautify Kulich beautifully, give him unusualness. But it is worth remembering that any cake consists of a part of the oil, which can be allocated from the finished test (baked slices). Because of this and tape and lace can quickly pollute, and change their original appearance. Because of this, this version of the decoration is suitable for a very short period of time.

That's all today!

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