Photo frame from unnecessary book


What to do with an unnecessary book

Yeah, something, and we have a lot of books. Chitany-read, these loved ones - let them stand ... But all sorts of thick political economy and other textbooks, though they stand, but only the place occupy. And throw away - the hand does not rise, no matter what ... And this is such an idea for unnecessary books.

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All better than throwing away. Let them still serve ... There is, indeed, very good, strong covers. Remember because the most boring books were produced in the most expensive bindings ...

Little lesson, even short. We will tell, and more accurately give the idea how to make a photo frame with your own hands from the book. Preferably of course no needed book. Let's not a lot of rant. Go.

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We need:

- Book, preferably unnecessary, hardcover

- stationery knife

- Glue

We take our unnecessary book and on the front side of it, we make a rectangular cutout of the desired size under the desired photo. If the binding is two-layer, then break only the top layer. If one-layer or layers are very well glued, then cut through.

On the reverse side we glue the so-called pockets from paper. More precisely, we simply glue a piece of thick paper, slightly larger size than the cut-off hole in the cover. Only you need to glue all sides. One side left is not glued. There we will insert other photos, change exposures.

Actually everything. Our interesting and even you can say an exclusive photo frame made. Quickly and do it yourself.

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