Right surprise - Oochor is the right


Magic New Year holiday is approaching. And we all think about how to please and surprise relatives and loved ones - everything is right: it can become a wizard once a year and should everyone! In addition, I found a wonderful idea: such a real ball surprise, which will surprise and please not only who will unfold it, but not at least someone who did it ...

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At first glance, nothing amazing, but ... in this and surprise

I hope you have already guessed what we will do :))

ITAK, we will need:

1.10 Gifts of different sizes: It can be a bag with sweets, small toys (for a child) or bijouterie (for a older child), a lighter - in short, what you consider interesting;

2. Durable crepe paper, preferably 10 colors;

3. Quick-drying glue;

4. And external decorations - type of trees, snowflakes, pebbles - what do you want ...

Approximately such a set, as in the photo below

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Check: Paper is cut into narrow strips. Gifts are different. Candy and toys, chewing gum. And they have different form: large and small, round and square, flat and voluminous.

Let's start with the largest subject in our collection, for example, a bag with candy. We tie it with paper cross-cross, trying to close as many square as possible.

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Having finished working with the first paper strip, add (in turn) two more of the same color. Having finished with the latter - to fix it with a droplet of glue.

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Add another big subject and continue to pack. Already paper of another color

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Add something else and think it is better to place it so that the shape of the ball turned out ...

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We continue to add objects and packaging ...

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By adding objects, do not forget about the form! The ball should be round :). Shape a ball will help flat items laid in the place where it is necessary for the form. And for each subject we use your paper paper.

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We are almost at the purpose: the last layer

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Packed all the gifts? Decorate our ball with thin stripes of colorful paper, beads, pictures ...

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Ready! True, a good surprise turned out? Such surprises can be done somewhat and for different purposes: please the children, grandparents, give guests at a party, surprise your favorite girlfriend ... The idea is very good - for it there will be a hundred reasons.

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Rejoice yourself and your loved ones, please!

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