Remove wrinkles and acne with the help of Eleutherokokka tincture


Eleutherococcus extract refers to the category of medicinal plants, actively used to prepare a variety of healing masks and decoctions for face, hair and skin. Its regular use contributes to the restoration of the damaged structure of the curls, deliverance from acne, increasing the elasticity and improvement of the shade of the face. The enormous popularity of this means is caused by a mass of useful features and a miraculous composition containing the necessary vitamins and trace elements.

Remove wrinkles and acne with the help of Eleutherokokka tincture

Recipes for hair

Systematic use of tincture helps to get rid of dandruff, stop hair loss, restore damaged curls, reduce fat and make them incredibly strong and shiny. In addition, Eleutherokokk is successfully fighting with the early gray and is used to enhance the growth of curls. Finished tincture can be bought in any pharmacy.

During the problems of dandruff and baldness, as well as to stimulate growth, rub a small amount of Eleutherococcus in the hair roots. This procedure is recommended every time before washing the head for 30 minutes.

If the hair falls out or poorly grow, you can make a simple but efficient mask with nutritional properties. This is an excellent remedy for strands, mature and dull.

For the preparation of this mask, the following components will be required:

1 tbsp. tincture;

1 tbsp. oil oil;

1 tbsp. Extract of red pod pepper;

1 tbsp. Honey.

Mix the listed ingredients and apply on the strands from the roots to the tips.

If you know the problem of oily hair, be sure to try the next recipe. To cook it, you will need such components as:

linen and peach oil in equal shares (one tablespoon);

1 tbsp. liquid honey (better than flower);

1 tbsp. Lemon juice.

All ingredients thoroughly mix and apply to curls along the entire length. After 40-60 minutes, wash your head with the usual way.

The miraculous healing characteristics of Eleutherococcus make it boldly to apply it to eliminate and prevent the appearance of dandruff. Ingredients for cooking:

1 tbsp. Eleutherococcus;

1 tbsp. hop cones extract;

1 tbsp. calendula tincture;

2 egg yolks.

Pretty mix all the components and wrap in the roots of the hair. This mask is best used on a clean head. After 40-50 wash off with water without shampoo. To remove the smell of yolk from the hair, you need to rinse them with acetic solution. For her preparation, it will be necessary to dilute about 3 tablespoons of apple vinegar in the liter of water.

Treatment of skin

To accelerate the healing of the wounds and accelerate the regeneration of tissues in skin diseases, it is recommended to take inside 15-20 drops in half an hour before eating at least 3 times daily. The same problems can be solved with regular rims (1 teaspoon of eleutherococcus on the floor of a glass of drinking water).

Outlies of skin, prone to fat, can be advised to wipe the face not with tonic, but a solution of eleutherococcus. For its preparation it will be necessary to dilute 5 drops of extract in one tablespoon of water or green tea. The finished means contributes to the rapid healing of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the removal of inflammation, the normalization of the skin saloon.

To reduce the number of wrinkles, add 1-2 drops of extract in the night cream nutritional action and apply on the face every day before bedtime. You can also make a mask on one use, allowing to suspend age-related changes. To any basis (cream, serum, etc.), add 2 drops of tincture. Experts advise apply this recipe 1-2 times a week. Already soon you will notice how wrinkles smoothed, the skin becomes even color, faces tightened.

Recipes for stress and neurosis

In the case of neuroses, stressful situations and diabetes, you need to consume 25-50 drops of pharmacy tincture 30 minutes before eating twice a day. The course of treatment is 1 month. This means can be used under reduced blood pressure, overwork and chronic fatigue.

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