How to knit intarsia technique


How to knit intarsia technique

Knitting needles - a favorite view of the needlework of many women. But not everyone is familiar with such a beautiful view called - Intarsia. This is relatively new in knitting direction. Therefore, today I want to tell today about what kind of knitting intarsia is.

Intarsia is one of the types of multicolor knitting needles. For some reason, everywhere they write about knitting like that. Although the crochet you can knit similar patterns.

Multicolor knitting types

I know the following types of multicolor knitting:

1st view - Simple color knitting When the colors change through several rows, depending on the pattern, horizontal or simple zigzag bands are obtained.

Only one tangle participates in each row.

2nd view - Missonian technique The complex colored zigzag lines knit in it.

3rd View - Enterlak Although in this technique you can knit in one color. I'll tell you about her later.

4th view - Jacquard knitting , in each row of which two motor yarn is used in different colors, usually knit repeating small fragments then one yarn, then another. At the same time, from the wrong side, yarn broach.

5th View - Technique Intarsia - Very interesting knitting needles, more on it and stop.

Knitting in the technique of intarsia

In the technique of intarsia, you can knit different complex patterns, changing the color of the thread not only horizontally and vertical, but also diagonals at different angles.

It turns out a product consisting of blocks of different color and shape.

Vjazanie Iz Blokov Raznogo Cveta V Tehnike Intarsija

The quality of the product is usually impeccable, because with the front side, and from the outfit it turns out the same pattern, there is no stretcher of the threads.

In each row when changing one color of the thread on the other, they crossed together from the wrong side.

What you need to know when knitting needles in the technique of intarsia


I recently connected in this technique the pillow with the knitting needles, about which already told. In it, a very simple transition from color to color is always vertically. With such knitting no need special schemes.

But quite often, complex intricate patterns are used, which is almost impossible to tie without the scheme.

What to use yarn

Many gloms can be used in one row. Start knitting in a new technique for you, of course, better from patterns with a small amount of color in one row. And experienced knitters can use up to 20 clubs and more in one row.

The yarn should take the same thickness and be sure that she does not touch!

Knit from big balls is not worth it, it is very uncomfortable. Soak small tights, such as it would be enough for knitting one color block. In any case, upon completion of the knitting block of one color, the thread will have to turn.

How to combine threads

At the junction of two colors, the threads need to be cut off from the wrong side so that the parts come tightly to each other, no holes were formed, but not tightening the product.

The "old" tangle shift on the right side of yourself so as not to interfere.

We have another loop of the product of the yarn from the "new" tangler, tighten both the threads at the connection site and then knit as usual until the next color.



By sticking a row completely, I turn over the product and shifting the gloves on the right side again to the left, preferably in the same order one color after another. But it rarely turns out that it is not terrible. You can unravel the necessary tangle without much difficulty. But only of course, the whole process of knitting is stretched for a long time.

When knitting diagonal lines should take into account such a nuance:

When the line slope, the right should be changed and twisted the thread only in the face row, and when the slope is left - on the contrary, only in the wrong row. Otherwise, an ugly crossbar can get over the loop.

What patterns are used in the intarsia

It is the opinion that the intarsia of the knitting needles knit only with a dark pattern, i.e. Facial stroke from face and invalid.

Yes, in most drawings, it is such a pattern that is appropriate, it is more distinct on it.


But designers do not stand still and in modern models are not only different patterns, but also different in the texture of the yarn.

How I acquired a magazine with knitted models from famous German and French designers, which discovered such interesting knitting. True, I did not know that this technique was called.

The feature of the models presented in this album, in combination in one product of yarn not only of various shades, but also of various quality (wool, x / b, angora, book), as well as in the use of different patterns in one product: Breakfast knitting, and book.



Krasivye Izdelija v TEHNIKE INTARSIJA

Zhaakety Intarsija.

Each color is represented by the yarn of other quality, which creates an additional effect, and the combination of fluffy threads with a smooth or bookly makes it possible to create an unusual texture of the product, which is possible only with manual knitting.

I was so fascinated by this knitting that several models from the magazine tied up and my sister. My latest work

With knitting pullovers with a pattern only on the shelf and part of the sleeves, I coped pretty quickly, but a jacket with a color pattern and on the back, and on the entire length of the sleeves I knit half a year

Several conditions that are required to obtain a quality product:

  • The color scheme should be flawless. Unsuccessful colors can make a product alapecan and unattractive.
  • Strictly follow the pattern scheme. This is especially important when knitting sleeves, since the main effect of models with patterns is enclosed in unity of sleeves and all parts.
  • If you do not use a new one, but already exam in use, it is worth avoiding a bustling mate, since all defects of yarn are visible in the smooth canvase.

What can I associate intarsia

Intarsia is primarily a work of art. You can connect both pullovers, and jackets, and even coat! You go in such a coat down the street and all men fall with stacks, and women envy


And I still dream to tie the paintings in the intarsia technique. I do not know only when I get to them.

Kartina V Tehnike INTARSIJA

Am I interested in knitting Intaria?

How to knit intarsia technique

Learning to knit in the technique of intarsia on the example of models with large color areas made by handwriting.

Intaria - color knitting technique, in which each site is performed from his tangler, which distinguishes it, for example, from jacquard, in which the thread is extended along the invalid side.

We recommend to knit beginners to try their strength on models consisting of two, maximum three colors.

If you need to use a larger number of yarn colors, it will be more convenient to wind it into bleaching small glaces or bobbins and fix them so that the threads are not confused and have not broken.

The handling knitting rows in the forward and reverse direction, in which all loops are performed in all rows of the facial - the ideal option for learning knitting in the technique of intarsia.

The most important rule that need to be remembered and constantly performing, working in this technique, is that when changing the color you should always cross the threads - it will avoid holes between color areas and will make both the front and the outfit side of the work.

So, in the front rows, the transition from a white thread to dark blue (in the photo) should occur in such a way as shown: white thread need to be left on the wrong side over blue, and knit blue thread, as if crossing it white.

In the involveral rows, the transition is appropriately a transition from dark blue to white yarn, only the first thread (in our case blue) at the junction site should be left again on the involving side (= before knitting),

And over it spend the second (white).

With this simple reception you can associate yourself, for example, a two-tone vest

How to knit intarsia technique

How to knit intarsia technique

How to knit intarsia technique

How to knit intarsia technique

How to knit intarsia technique

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