How to get rid of the annoying household problems with atypical means that every home has


How to get rid of the annoying household problems with atypical means that every home has

Surely most of us have heard that the gridish aspirin is an excellent cleaning agent. Moreover, many hostesses are successfully used in this way.

But, in addition to Aspirin, there are still many substances, such as cinnamon, wine vinegar, used tea bags, which can be found in another application. An unprepared person is difficult to present it. We will tell and show.

What is common in cinnamon, aluminum foil, zipper and baby oil? These simple items can solve many everyday problems. And we are not talking about their standard application. Find out 9 unusual ways, how to triple favor from ordinary household items.

How to get rid of the annoying household problems with atypical means that every home has

1. Coffee Human

How to get rid of the annoying household problems with atypical means that every home has

Even used coffee thick has a pronounced fragrance. Her or unnecessary ground coffee can be used to eliminate unpleasant odors. Use this simple tool to return the hands of the normal state after processing the fish, grinding onion or garlic. Coffee thickness is also useful in the refrigerator. By placing it in a plastic container with holes or other capacity, you can get rid of unnecessary smells in a few hours.

2. Cinnamon

How to get rid of the annoying household problems with atypical means that every home has

Cinnamon is good not only for delicious baking, but also to combat these annoying comrades.

In the house or in the country, an ants suddenly appeared? To get rid of them, you do not need to rush to the store for an expensive tool. It is enough to sprinkle cinnamon where they are hosted, and her spicy smell will quickly spout of all unwanted guests.

3. Aluminum foil

How to get rid of the annoying household problems with atypical means that every home has

Simple and time-tested way.

Useful lifehak for those who do not know how to sharpen scissors. If they fumbled at the most inopportune moment, there is a simple solution. It is necessary to add aluminum foil into several layers and cut into scissors. Already through several cuts, the blades will become much sharper.

4. White wine or apple vinegar

How to get rid of the annoying household problems with atypical means that every home has

Vinegar has as many unusual applications.

Apple or wine vinegar - a real gift for your home. With it, you can quickly eliminate any unpleasant smell. Just place a glass or a bowl with a vinegar in the room that was painted, and after an hour you can forget about headaches. Remove the smell of fish, onions and garlic for vinegar - spit times. With it, you can clean the cutting board or put in order hand. To remove the raid from hard water or soap on chrome-plated surfaces, you need to put the fabric on them, which is completely picked up with vinegar. Such an improvised grazing should be held for 5 minutes, after which it all with water.

Vinegar also helps to quickly clean chrome. Glitter can not only be a kitchen sink or crane.

Vinegar will make luxurious and your curls. To do this, it is necessary to rinse the hair with a solution from one tablespoon of vinegar, diluted in a glass of water. Clean vinegar will help to escape from itching after insect bites. A piece of fabric impregnated with them need to be attached to the affected skin.

And the vinegar will help get a crispy crust on bread too much simple: you just need to lubricate the top of the homemade loaf before baking.

5. Aspirin

How to get rid of the annoying household problems with atypical means that every home has

Aspirin is the best weapon in the fight against the stains and bites of mosquitoes.

Even from sweat spots from sweat you can get rid of two bills. It is enough to dissolve two crushed aspirin tablets in 100 ml of warm water. In the resulting composition, hold the contaminated clothing within two or three hours.

How to get rid of the annoying household problems with atypical means that every home has

It was like this.

How to get rid of the annoying household problems with atypical means that every home has

But it will be like a new one.

No less useful option to apply usual aspirin: the fight against itching. The crushed tablet is divorced by a small amount of water and wear a mosquito bite - acts in a matter of minutes!

6. Makeup brushes

How to get rid of the annoying household problems with atypical means that every home has

Now dust does not hide anywhere.

In the arsenal of each girl their great set. And another one always comes to replace one. But where do you have an old brush for makeup? It is not recommended to throw out. It is better to attach it into a detachment of cleaning tools. A makeup brush is ideal for cleaning hard-to-reach places: for example, between the keyboard keys.

7. Tea bags

How to get rid of the annoying household problems with atypical means that every home has

Used tea bags have a lot of use options.

Even the used tea bags should not be sent to the trash. They can be perfectly useful as air freshener. To do this, we need to put only a few pieces in some jar, which is then put in the refrigerator or restroom. Now you can enjoy a pleasant aroma - bags absorb all unpleasant odors. A similar task is performed by charcoal. With it, it is easy to save the air fresh and cleaned both in the refrigerator and in the car.

Incredible, but tea bags saved and in the treatment of suddenly arising warts. The tea leaves contain tubyl acid, which is effectively struggling with skin nuisance. To quickly get rid of the wart, you need to apply a warm tea bag three times a day for 15 minutes. And the used welding is an excellent organic fertilizer for your indoor plants.

8. Baby oil and wet wipes

How to get rid of the annoying household problems with atypical means that every home has

Baby oil and in the farm will come in handy.

Stainless steel shell lost a shiny look? We take baby oil and correct this annoying oversight. Just a few drops on soft clean cloth will help wipe away any stains on plumbing and kitchen appliances. But baby napkins will become an excellent alternative to special means for cleaning electronic devices.

9. Zipper Zipper

How to get rid of the annoying household problems with atypical means that every home has

Lightning can provide a comfortable stay on the beach.

Did you ever lose the keys from the hotel room or car in the sand on the seashore? Alas, the majority in their lives came across such a problem. But every time you don't want to drag with my wallets or bags with you. There is a simple way out: With the help of old zipper and a piece of unnecessary fabric on a beach towel corner, you need to make a small pocket on the clasp. Now money, trifle, keys and even sunglasses are not lost.

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