Hood crochet "Wavy kitty"


Hood crochet

Depending on the thickness of the thread and the size of the hook, on the same diagram you can get hats of different sizes. Try to connect the sample 10x10 cm with your threads and crochet and then you can count how to change the scheme.

For knitting I use:

- Threads (250 m- 100 gr) - 86 grams.

- Hook number 5

Size of the cap: OG 50-52 cm (2-3 years) Height - 20 cm.

Used knitting versions: air loop (VP), connecting column (SS), semi-solitary with Nakud (PSS). All the columns knit for the long journey loop.

Knitting density: as I knit across, then the number of scales dialed is the height of the caps, and the number of pricked rows (pigs) is the width of the cap or volume

1 cm = 1 pigtail (1 pigtail = 1 facial + 1 Pouring row)

1cm = 2 VP

Knit a cap will be according to the scheme. On the circuit 1 cell = 1 pigtail (1 persons. + 1 is the rank). The blue cells are loops of the pricious SS, yellow - loops pricious PSSs in persons row, and in the invulted row all the loops knit the SS.

Hood crochet

Knit the cap starting with the rear (occipital) part.

I knit a chain of 45 VP + 1 VP lifting.

1st row (it will be irons) I knit all the SS for the lower chains of the VP. This row and the chain from the VIS form the first pigtail.

Further I knit all the columns for the long journey loop. All rehabilitation / additions and the elevation of the pattern only in the front rows, the invalid rows knit just the SS, so I will only describe the individuals. At the beginning of each row, unless otherwise indicated, I knit VP lifting.

2nd faces. Row - 45 ss.

3rd faces. A row - I start to make a recess for the formation of the lower ears of the cap (steps at the bottom of the caps on the scheme), for this I do not make the VP of the lifting and knit starts from the second loop of the row of 44 ss.

4th faces. A row - knit similar to the 3rd only 43 ss.

5th faces. A number - I begin to encourage the wavy pattern, for this I knit this: I do not make the VP of the lifting and knitting starts from the second loop of the row and insert 9 ss further 5 PSS (yellow cells on the scheme) and to the end of a row I knit ss

6th faces. Row - I continue to raise a wavy pattern and starting to form a chat painter (the loops decrease at the top of the scheme), for this I knit this: I do not make the VP VP and knit starting from the second loop of the row and check 12 ss further 5 PSSs, 18 SS and 6 loops at the end of this Row leaves not confined.

7th faces. A number - I do not make the VP lifting and knitting starting from the second loop of a number and check 7 ss further 5 PSSs, 3 ss, 5 PSSs, 14 ss and return 2 loops to work, for this I exciting the vertical handbook of the previous row and the long-distance loop To work (3 loops on the hook) and insert all the loops on the Crochet of the SS, and then I knit 1 more CC - 2 loops returned to work. 4 loops at the end of this row leave not tied.

8th faces. A row - I do not do the outstands on the lower edge, but I knit exactly for the formation of the heading of the cap, so I do VP and start knitting the 1st loop and knit 11 SS, 5 PSS, 3 ss, 5 PSS, 12 ss and return to work 1 loop, To do this, we exciting the vertical argument of the previous row and the long-distance loop, what you need to return to work (3 loops on the hook) and inspired all the loops on the CC-hook, the job returned 1 loop. 3 loops at the end of this row leave not confined.

9th - 11th faces. Rows - knitting according to the scheme similarly to the previous one returning to work 1 loop at the end of the row.

12th-15th faces. The rows - at the beginning, similar to the previous rows, left at the end of the row not by the 1st loop.

16th faces. A row - I start to encourage the second bottom ear, for this I knit the VP lifting and the first CC knitting this loop in the lower handle (+1 loop at work below) further knit according to the scheme 12 SS (given the 1st pricious), 5 PSS, 18 SS and At the end of the row, I left the no more 2 more loops and all the not refidaked loops is 6 pcs.

17th faces. row - I knit VP lifting and the first CC knitting this loop in the bottom of this loop (+1 loop in work below) further knit according to the scheme 9 ss (given the 1st pricious), 5 PSS, 22 ss and then returned all the loops that were Not tied in previous ranks I do it as well as previously returned to work in 2 and 1st loop, respectively.

18th-20th faces. Rows - I knit the VP lifting and the first CC knitting into the lower altitude of this loop (+1 loop at work below) further knitting all the loops to the end of the SS row.

21-22 people. Rows - Knit without adding SS.

From the 23rd of a row, I begin at the beginning of a number of relevant to form a bevel of the lower ears. Refusal I do as well as in the 3rd faces. row.

Next, I knit according to the scheme using the above-described versions.

When all 48 persons are connected and ez. Rows perform the compound of the edges of the hats.

Connect the edges of the CC cap.

You will connect the product along the wrong side. Starting with Niza caps.

I combine two edges of the product (to yourself the side with the beginning of work). The hook we introduce into the 1st loop began the header and picking up the last row to pull it towards himself and poured the VP. And then I knit as follows: In the 1st clutter, we exciting the crochet with both hint arms and I only excite the long-term cake of the looping in the last row and sof them. I knit so until the end of the row.

Cutting a thread and fix.

The upper part in the caps will be sewed using a needle and thread connecting vertical arms of the corresponding braids.

To the lower ears of the caps make ties. To do this, we cut the required number of yarns with a length of 80 cm and the help of the hook fasten them to a flat part of the ear and then turn them into a pigtail.

The cap can be left as there is or decorate your taste and desire.

And more clearly knitting the process can be viewed in video:

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