Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue


Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue

It turned out just some kind of wild superclauses. If you glue with such glue stool, then rather Stool breaks out than this glue will be divided. Milk is not only a nutrient useful liquid, but also it is a source of casein.

Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue

Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue
This protein is used for many purposes, including for the production of plastic and glue. Yes, the most real plastic is made of milk, which is called Galalit. Almost like ice. In 1925, a whole plant for the production of this plastic was even built near Moscow. And they did not sculpt the figures from the dried cottage cheese, but did a caseinformaldehyde resin. On the basis of casein make glue, the mass production of which was launched back in 1800 in Germany and Sweden. There is also information that such glue used in ancient Egypt. Today we will try to prepare it, if possible, observing technology. So, the first thing you need is a skimmed milk.

Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue

Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue
It is very important to take milk with the smallest amount of fat. The smaller fat, the better the glue. In 100 g of milk - 3 g of protein. Almost all this protein is casein. It you just need to separate it. Well, although not quite simple. There is a special technology: Milk need to warm up to a temperature of 35 ° C.Bud do it in a water bath, and constantly monitor the temperature. When the temperature rose, you can add acid. In production, either milk or acetic acids are usually used.

On liter of milk, it is necessary to take 5 ml of 70% acetic acid. It is not necessary to add it immediately, but slowly. We add to half a million times with a frequency of one or two minutes, and at the same time continuously mix the milk.

When the entire vinegar is added, the milk must be left to warm. The author did not manage to keep the temperature of exactly 35 ° C. Sometimes she added already up to 50, but it is not scary, the main thing is not to warm and not pour the acid quickly, otherwise the casein will begin to form large flakes and it will worsen the quality of the final product.

Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue

Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue

Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue
The resulting serum should be merged, and the casein itself is filtering. To filter, the author will use coffee filters. This is generally a cool comfortable thing. This is just a real find for self-dealers.

Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue

Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue
By the way, pay attention to the grain size of casein. They look more like very, very small sand, and thanks to their size, they can be well rinsed from all extra.

If there were large flakes, the washing would require much more forces. To do this, the filtered casein needs to be 3-4 times to pour a large amount of boiled water to wash away from serum residues. Each time filtered the author did not. He simply merged dirty water, which he defended. Well, in the end, he filtered Casein and received this mass.

Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue

Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue

She, honestly, is not like cottage cheese at all. Indeed, a lot depends on technology. Thanks to this fine grain size, you can get a very high casein.

From half of the received casein, let's try to make glue, and the second half of the supreme to see how it will look after drying.

If there were 30 g of protein in a milk lytra, then we've taken 15 g of protein, as well as 90 g of water and 12 ml of 10 percent ammonia, that is, the ammonia alcohol.

The fact is that the ammonia alcohol creates an alkaline environment in which casein acquires the ability to dissolve in water. You can add a boor, soda or alkali instead of ammonia. The essence in principle does not change.

After a short mixing, the entire casein was dissolved, and it became like a real glue.

Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue

Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue

Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue

I think many are interesting for composite materials. Let's check this glue on the suitability of the creation of composites. To this end, the author took 10 layers of fiberglass and glued them with this glue. Also for comparison, he took three cotton disks and also glued them with this glue. Excess glue cleaned, it may be in vain, but then we'll see. Well, since this glue is used in the joinery, the author decided to check how he will glue two woods together. It is necessary to abundantly smear and squeeze them together at least 5 hours.

Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue

Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue

While the samples were kept, the author decided to prepare more casin, and took a half kilo degreased cottage cheese. In principle, this is the same casein, only without excess hemorrhoids.

And you knew, by the way, what before the words of cottage cheese were not at all? All fermencker was called cheese. Cheese even vikings with me in swimming, because it does not deteriorate. The last DNA of the study proves that one of 30 people is a direct descendant of Vikings.

So, cottage cheese is almost the same casein. It is only necessary to rinse it well. To do this, you will have to split the bunch. It is necessary to wash the same way as last time, a large amount of pure boiled water. Press and filter such a large volume through coffee filters, it is completely masochism. So it is better to take advantage of two layers of ordinary x / b fabric.

Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue

Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue

Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue

After the whole cottage cheese is washed and pressed well, it can be dried. The author put it to dry in an open oven on the smallest fire. After drying, there were such granules.

Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue

In a dry form, they can be stored infinitely for a long time and use when it is necessary to make a little glue.

The first samples were dried. First will check your cotton wheels.

Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue

In general, in principle, for the cotton, they were well-sized. Disks are not collapsed on separate layers. It turned out some kind of watt cardboard.

Fiberglass glued down, but very quickly scattered into separate layers. Between themselves, they glued very badly.

The trees seem to be fine, but still scattered.

Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue

Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue
Yes, not too impressive result. Let's try using glue made by another recipe. To do this, grind casein in a coffee grinder. The resulting powder needs to weigh and add exactly the same number of hazed lime to it. It is sold in construction stores.

The resulting powder is ready glue. It can be stored in this form, and if necessary, dilute with water and immediately use.

Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue

Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue
For every 100 g of glue, you need to take 100-150 g of water, depending on how thick glue you want to get. As soon as the mixture wets, the chemical reaction immediately occurs and casein turns into calcium caseinate. This caseinate is insoluble in water. Not soluble in water at all. It turns out waterproof glue. That is why casein needs to be immediately used, since he quickly loses its lipidity. Literally after 5 minutes, it becomes slightly rubber and not so sticky.

Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue

Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue

Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue
From the remaining glue, the author made a lump and left him to dry out. To check the liquid glue again, it doubled the amount of casein in the glue. So that it is well dissolved, you need to wait 2-3 hours, or it is good to crush it in advance. After that, I added another 12 ml of ammonia and it turned out this:

Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue
There is some kind of reaction. Glue becomes similar to whipped cream. Here in a glass about 30 grams of casein, 15 ml of ammonia and 100 ml of water. And add everything to this 3 g of lime, so that it has become more powerful.

Next, the author again glues 10 fiberglass sheets, thoroughly kicking all air bubbles from each layer. It also glues a 3 cotton disk, also well impregnating them with glue.

It dried and it's time to check. Ward discs became much stronger, but the layers were separated. It seems for the first time it turned out even a little better.

But the fiberglass was spinning better than before. It is no longer scattered on the layers, but is shifted on bending. It is even a little bit like a composite, although not the perfect.

Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue

Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue

And here are the rusties. Glue on them just petrified. The author dried it in a warm place for six hours without removing clamps.

The glue is so solid that it is probably possible to fasten the blade.

Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue

Well, test for strength:

Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue

Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue

Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue

Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue

Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue

Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue

Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue

Supercles of milk with their own hands. The smaller the fat content of milk, the stronger the glue
It turned out just some kind of wild superclauses. If you glue with such glue stool, then rather the stool itself breaks, which will disappear this glue.

This is such superciles can be made of milk. Different compositions of casein glue are a lot. Everything is simple to unrealistic to try. Everyone is suitable for some of its goals.


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