This way you can update removable armchair or sofa pillows


In this way, you can update removable airbags for a chair or sofa, making new lightning covers.

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This method is suitable in order to sew new removable cushions for sofa pillows or armchairs. If old covers are removed, simply use them as a template for new ones. If old covers do not have lightning and are not removed, the work options are two.

You can cut up the upholstery of the pillows, use its details as templates and sew a removable covers. Second option: Leave old covers in place, build patterns for new, focusing on the sizes of pillows, sew new covers and wear them from above.

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You will need:

- suitable material for covers;

- zipper zipper;

- Spindlers (if you plan to resort an old case);

- chalk;

- scissors;

- Pins;

- Sewing machine and thread.


How to update armchair pillows: master class
How to update armchair pillows: master class

Write the seams on the old case and use its details as templates (or build patterns, focusing on the size of your pillows). If your cushions like the same form, as in our example, you will need 2 identical rectangular parts and a side of the side part for each case, equal to the perimeter length of the pillow. That segment of the side part, which will be sewn to zipper, it is necessary to carve it separately, making it a little wider and cutting along: between these halves and the lightning is stitched. Do not forget the allowances on the seams.

Step 2.

How to update armchair pillows: master class
How to update armchair pillows: master class
How to update armchair pillows: master class
How to update armchair pillows: master class
How to update armchair pillows: master class

First, enter zipper. Propinate zippers to one half the part, as shown in the photo, laid the line. Repeat with the second side of the zipper.

Step 3.

How to update armchair pillows: master class

Now sew the lateral detail with a zipper with the rest of the side part.

Step 4.

How to update armchair pillows: master class
How to update armchair pillows: master class

Scaliate a strip with one of the rectangular parts of the pillow, as shown in the photo, and sew the items.

Step 5.

How to update armchair pillows: master class

Repeat with the second rectangular part of the pillow. It remains only to turn the cover and put it on the pillow.

How to update armchair pillows: master class
How to update armchair pillows: master class

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