5 Roskatkovy Councils on how to choose the most delicious tangerines for the new year


5 Roskatkovy Councils on how to choose the most delicious tangerines for the new year

Roscatism continues to share tips on how to choose a delicious food to the New Year's table. This time guide on mandarin. Choose the sweetest and juicy.

5 Roskatkovy Councils on how to choose the most delicious tangerines for the new year

More materials on how to buy good products for the new year:

"6 Rospotrebnadzor Councils on how to choose a red caviar";

"7 best inexpensive sparkling wines according to Roskatkaya";

"7 Rosquacy Councils, how to choose a good New Year tree."

    What are the sweetest mandarins?

    The sweetest mandarins are Murkott Mandarins and Clementines. But when choosing, it should be borne in mind that Murcott's tangerines have a lot of small bones.

    What are the mandarins the most juicy?

    The most juicy tangerines are Abkhaz.

    General recommendations for the choice of mandarins

    - Do not buy tangerines with mold and dark dots on the peel, with dents, damage and too soft areas;

    - Do not buy overwhelmed and lying fruits - such a peel behind the pulp and the taste is poorly expressed;

    - leaves are not an indicator of freshness;

    - Before use thoroughly wash the fruits.

    How to determine fresh mandarins or not?

    The indicator of freshness of the tangerines was not the color of their peel, but its density of its fit to the fetus. If there is too much air between the leather and the fruit itself, then the mandarin is not fresh.

    Mandarin's peel is often treated with wax

    All tangerines, except Abkhaz, are treated with wax. But it is not dangerous and easily washed off with warm water.

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