6 healthy alcoholic beverages in the world


It is understood that drinking alcohol is a fact that does not affect health too well. But this is all human inclination to the extremes and the inability to divide the abuse and enjoyment of alcohol drinks. In fact, among the types of alcohol, as among the products, there are Favorites and outsiders by the amount of benefit that they can bring our body. The main secret here is that the quantity does not block the benefit of its quality. And if they used to receive vitamins even during rest at the bar, it is worth knowing what drinks you need to stop your choice first.

- Tequila -

6 healthy alcoholic beverages in the world

Oddly enough, this strong alcohol is a leader in the number of useful substances and health benefits from all types of alcoholic beverages. In addition, there are fewer calories than, for example, in vodka, which can be a plus for those who are worried about it. But the main secret is that Tequila is produced from Agava, which contains sugars that do not increase blood glucose. This means that you will not feel sharp attacks of hunger as you drink and increase cholesterol.

- Red wine -

6 healthy alcoholic beverages in the world

The reputation of red wine was not too injured from the attacks of opponents of alcohol. This drink is always called among the first, if it comes to the benefits of the body. However, it loses a little bit in tequila in the level of "bad" sugar, although it has a lot of other advantages. For example, active compounds in red wine (polyphenols, resveratrol and quercetin) improve the condition of the cardiovascular system. In addition, studies conducted at the University of Massachusetts showed that red wine helps to slow down the process of entering glucose in blood flow, and this does not allow insulin to increase dramatically and provoke unwanted consequences associated with the development of diabetes.

- rum -

6 healthy alcoholic beverages in the world

Rum is not too popular drink among students and workers of mental labor, and quite in vain. This drink, as was proven as a result of several studies, increases human cognitive abilities. In addition, rum is able to put in order the nervous system and reduce anxiety in the moment. This does not mean that you need to drink it as calming, but it is worth considering if you are in a state of excitement you are looking for something to drink.

- whiskey -

6 healthy alcoholic beverages in the world

One portion of whiskey contains as many antioxidants as a glass of good red wine. Therefore, they can easily be treated from the cold or carry out the prevention of this kind of disease. The drink also contains ellamic acid. This substance helps to destroy mutated cells in the body, that is, to deal with the development of cancer.

- Rose -

6 healthy alcoholic beverages in the world

This type of wine has absorbed all the best qualities in terms of preventing diseases and from red, and from white. Polyphenols, which are in abundance in this beverage, prevent atherosclerosis. And, as you know, it is this problem that is the main cause of all cardiovascular diseases.

- champagne -

6 healthy alcoholic beverages in the world

If you have recently complain about the quality of your memory, champagne can come to the aid. It significantly raises the tone of neurons responsible for this part of cognitive functions. In addition, champagne can have a positive effect on the health of the skin. Not that it cost him to take, as a means of wrinkles, however it is always pleasant to know that alcohol is not only pleasure, but also the benefit with the right choice and dosage.

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