Amazing sculptures from Sergei Bobkova chips


Find and show your talents never too late. The history of the 55-year labor teacher of the ordinary provincial school is served as a real confirmation - Sergey Bobkov. His life and creative route takes place in the village of Krasnoyarsk Territory, Russia. He became famous not only in his native village and on the territory of the country, but also beyond as a talented sculptor, creating stunning three-dimensional articles made of wood chips. For several years now, the artist who has already found his vocation pleases people with incredibly realistic creations in the form of various animals and birds, feathers and wool of which replace the finest wood plates treated with a special way.


The first surveys in the field of new directions in art, the unique technology of which, by the way, Sergey managed to patent, began to nine years ago, when the sculptor was 48 years old. Once he drew attention to the unique properties of wood chips, which could help him in creating something special, going beyond the existing ideas about creativity. So the master was noted the texture, plasticity and diversity of shades of wood material. In addition, he is natural, affordable at the same time, while not losing his initial aesthetic properties over time. He put the idea of ​​a long box, Sergey began to work, and as a result, the first masterpiece was created - a bird of wood chips in full size, Imprinted in a typical dynamic pose.

Amazing sculptures from Sergei Bobkova chips

Prior to this, the artist managed to try a large amount of crafts - weaving from the vine, the manufacture of products from ceramics, art carving and even the production of furniture, but truly close to him was the creation of extraordinary sculptures from the tree. From the exhibits, itifies amazing naturalness and ease: the wool is realistic fluffy, it seems, now bends under a light blow of the wind, and feathers, air and lungs, the instant can come around and swell into the sky. For almost ten years of his work, the master made a whole collection of animals and birds like which is not all over the world.

Amazing sculptures from Sergei Bobkova chips

According to Sergey, to do what is managed to most - he is not interested, but finding his way and create something unusual - quite another thing, it is perfectly inspired.

Amazing sculptures from Sergei Bobkova chips

Long before proceeding directly to the creation of a new sculpture, for several months the master thoroughly studies the subject of interest. It stones textbooks with descriptions and photos of the selected beast or birds, and also monitors their habits and features in the natural habitat until it becomes a real connoisseur in this topic.

Amazing sculptures from Sergei Bobkova chips

Amazing sculptures from Sergei Bobkova chips

The history of the manufacture of a chip sculpture begins with the creation of a plasticine prototype, which is an almost complete three-dimensional model that serves as a kind of mannequin for removing the measure, which is later transferred to the tree.

Amazing sculptures from Sergei Bobkova chips

Amazing sculptures from Sergei Bobkova chips

Amazing sculptures from Sergei Bobkova chips

The basis of the future product is cut on the created sketch of wood bars, which are then covered with wool or feathers. The technology of production and processing of wood chips is quite complex processes. Since the usual chips - the material is very fragile, Sergey has to achieve elasticity and strength through the soaking of the tree in the water. Then the thin plates are cut from wet bars, which for some time makes a breath between the pages of school textbooks.

Amazing sculptures from Sergei Bobkova chips

Amazing sculptures from Sergei Bobkova chips

Amazing sculptures from Sergei Bobkova chips

And finally, the material is ready, and soon a skillful cutter will turn thin plates into the fur, fluff or feathers. Each element is approximately 5-8 cm. For consumerism, Sergey processes them with cutters and scissors, so that the external similarity was maximum. Wooden feathers and fur with jewelry accuracy are glued by the masters to the "body" of the future sculpture. The beak and claws are also made from chips glued from several tens of layers.

Amazing sculptures from Sergei Bobkova chips

Amazing sculptures from Sergei Bobkova chips

According to Sergey Bobkov, the chips of various types of wood is suitable for this type of art, but it prefers to work exclusively with the Siberian cedar.

Amazing sculptures from Sergei Bobkova chips

The manufacture of unusual sculptures makes the artisan to spend in his workshop to 14-18 hours a day, hardening not to twist. Complex, filigree, requiring many skills, forces and inspiration, work brings Sergey only satisfaction and joy. The creation of a single chip masterpiece in the form of a large animal or a bird by the artist leaves about 4-6 months. Sculptor argues that it is especially difficult to work on figures of fur animals. For example, a couple of cunits, for whom the masters needed 150 finest chips, he created long 8 months. Sable wool consists of 30 thousand Village, and for the support of the eagle it took up to 7 thousand plates of wood chips. One of the last major works - two delay - the artist did in Tandem with his 21-year-old Son Artem.

Amazing sculptures from Sergei Bobkova chips

Ingredients due to their amazing external similarities with their "models" are often compared with animal stuffed. However, this statement does not like this statement at all, because his works are the complete opposite of the stuffedness of dead animals - they symbolize life and carry only beauty and good into the world.

Amazing sculptures from Sergei Bobkova chips

The collection of sculptures of Sergei Bobkov is exhibited in the village school, where tourists often come from local residents often from the nearest resort "Krasnoyarskaya Zagor".

Amazing sculptures from Sergei Bobkova chips

Amazing sculptures from Sergei Bobkova chips

Amazing sculptures from Sergei Bobkova chips

Amazing sculptures from Sergei Bobkova chips

Amazing sculptures from Sergei Bobkova chips

The most large-scale bragging Master is still not daring to sell what is absolutely not surprising, because it is very difficult to say goodbye to the creation, which was spent more than six months of work. For the acquisition, small sculptures are offered like wooden colors and cute owls. For example, a composition of three owls is available on the sculptor's website for sale, the cost of which is 150 thousand rubles. For comparison, it is worth noting that for one of the most excellent works of the sculptor - an eagle statue - offered 3 million rubles, but Sergey refused this proposal.

Amazing sculptures from Sergei Bobkova chips

Sergey Bobkov's talented ones for the future - he dreams of a great art center, which will include an exhibition hall, a workshop and a hotel for those who wish to learn to the wisdom of this type of art or simply admire the masterpieces already created.

Amazing sculptures from Sergei Bobkova chips

Amazing sculptures from Sergei Bobkova chips

Amazing sculptures from Sergei Bobkova chips

Amazing sculptures from Sergei Bobkova chips

Amazing sculptures from Sergei Bobkova chips

Amazing sculptures from Sergei Bobkova chips

Amazing sculptures from Sergei Bobkova chips

Amazing sculptures from Sergei Bobkova chips

Amazing sculptures from Sergei Bobkova chips

Amazing sculptures from Sergei Bobkova chips

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