7 effective ways to get rid of the smell of garlic


Garlic is the weakness of gourmets, but at the same time taste sharp dishes often falls the opportunity. Most often stops the prospect of unpleasant smell of mouth. If you need to go to a business meeting or a date, most prefer to abandon garlic snacks. But if all the same confuse happened, then these simple tips will help you quickly correct the situation.

They say the wedge wedge is embroiling. That is why we picked up for you tips, whatever the garlic dish to neutralize the unpleasant smell of mouth. The main thing is to understand that the breath does not determine that the remnants of garlic remained in the mouth, the reason is that the sulfur compounds are distinguished from garlic in the process of digestion from garlic. With blood, they are spread throughout the body, including falling into the larynx and mouth. It is for this reason that the cleaning of teeth can not be called the most effective means in the fight against the smell of garlic, it is necessary to neutralize the process passing inside the body, and not only in the oral cavity.

1. Mint.

7 effective ways to get rid of the smell of garlic

Mint - famous natural freshener. It is best to see the leaflets of fresh mint, then breathing will really become cleaner. If you have eaten garlic at the festive table, then you have a chance to find mint during the dessert, often her leaflets decorate cakes, or order tea with mint.

2. Parsley

7 effective ways to get rid of the smell of garlic

If you need to get rid of the unpleasant smell, run on the parsley. This grass perfectly cleans the sky, so that the remains of food do not delay in the mouth, and with them - and bacteria. Also parsley - natural absorbent, eat a few twigs, it will be sufficiently (dill is similar in the same way). By the way, Parsley will help to cope with the smell of alcohol.

3. Milk

7 effective ways to get rid of the smell of garlic

Milk and other dairy products will also come to help in the fight against unpleasant odors. Only here to use milk is better before eating, so the effect will be better. If this failed to do, drink a glass of fatty milk or yogurt immediately after eating to reduce the sulfur concentration in the body.

4. Green tea

7 effective ways to get rid of the smell of garlic

Dentists assure that green tea is not worse than a special rinser for the mouth due to the high content of catechins. So after garlic dishes give preference to tea, not coffee, so more chances have fresh breath.

5. Coffee grains

7 effective ways to get rid of the smell of garlic

If you are still an avid coffeeman, then in this case there is a way out. Try to warm up 1-2 coffee beans, and the smell will be neutralized. The same result is given to the grain of the cardamom.

6. Mustard

7 effective ways to get rid of the smell of garlic

Garlic dish can be seated with a small amount of Zagachi mustard or sow several dry seeds. And in that, in another case, breathing will become more enjoyable.

7. Apple

7 effective ways to get rid of the smell of garlic

Apples are not only a source of vitamins, but also a wrestler champion with unpleasant smells from his mouth. Most likely, this is due to the fact that in these fruits, as in mint, phenolic resins are contained (albeit in smaller quantities), which, when interacting with sulfur, form molecules without odor.

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