Hunting for sewing machines, or why Antikvara Babushkin "Singer"


Many of us have come across old mechanical sewing machines that our grandmothers and great-grandmothers used. Some still have a suitcase with the mechanism of the era of developed socialism, and even pre-revolutionary time in the garage or in the attic. Antiquarys are happy to buy these cars, offering small money for them, but do not rush to get rid of this rubbish - you can then regret.

Hunting for sewing machines, or why Antikvara Babushkin
Source: I and Peace

Only 30-40 years ago, a weighty wooden suitcase with a rounded lid was almost in every family and everywhere he was buried as a sense of an eye. It is not surprising, because under a high-quality, covered with lacquer plywood, the subject was hidden, which was the second one after the TV value of any family - a manual sewing machine of a Podolsky mechanical plant.

Hunting for sewing machines, or why Antikvara Babushkin

In childhood, this amazing device, which seemed difficult and incredibly interesting, could be considered infinitely long. Smooth bends of a massive case, chrome decorative lining with a complex ornament, polished to the mirror glitter with hands of grandmothers and moms of handles and, of course, the sewing mechanism itself with a needle is dangerous, incomprehensible, but attracting as a magnet.

Hunting for sewing machines, or why Antikvara Babushkin

Modern sewing machines, stuffing automatic and notice at the notes are not suitable for old "holders." The new devices do not have a soul that can be defined as the manufacturer's desire to make a thing not only functional, but also beautiful. But where did it come from the products of the Soviet mechanical plant such elegant outlines and exquisite style?

Hunting for sewing machines, or why Antikvara Babushkin

All simple - Podolsk sewing machines inherited their design and device from pre-revolutionary products and are an accurate copy of the world-famous American sewing machines of the Zinger factory. The flourishing of the company for the production of sewing equipment fell on the flourishing of modern, and this spectacular style imposed a print on the products by making it the most aesthetic.

Hunting for sewing machines, or why Antikvara Babushkin

Zinger has released its first typewriter in 1851, and after only 10 years, its products knew worldwide. The secret of success was, first of all, as manufactured sewing machines, as well as in an active sale of franchises, which helped in a short time to conquer the market for most developed countries.

At the beginning of the XX century, the company "Singer" appeared and in the Moscow region. For the organization of production in the Russian Empire, an American company was redeemed by a plot of land in Zahudoval Town Podolsk, the population of which at that time had only 5,000 people. The land here was cheap, and passing through the city of Iron expensive eased the delivery of raw materials and sending finished products.

Hunting for sewing machines, or why Antikvara Babushkin

Soon the plant turned into the most powerful enterprise in Europe for the release of sewing equipment. In 1914, the company produced 600,000 units of products, which was implemented worldwide. Only in Russia, 3,000 branded shops were successfully worked. We sent sewing machines and by mail - order an American miracle of technology, produced by Moscow, could be even on Sakhalin.

Co., Japan, Persia - buyers in these countries were ready to wait for the cherished car for months. The scale of production was so serious that by the end of 1914 Russia became the second producer of sewing machines after the United States, with a turnover of 63.5 million rubles.

Hunting for sewing machines, or why Antikvara Babushkin

Factory in 1915

Hunting for sewing machines, or why Antikvara Babushkin

…and today

The Russian branch of the company was able to afford a luxurious office in St. Petersburg on Nevsky Prospect. The building struck contemporaries not only with its beauty, but also by technical innovations - it was elevators, and the cleaning of snow from the roof was performed automatically. This building and today is pleased with the eye - it is in it that the main office of the company "VKontakte" is located.

Hunting for sewing machines, or why Antikvara Babushkin
Hunting for sewing machines, or why Antikvara Babushkin

During the revolutionary events of 1917, the Podolsky plant stopped. Fortunately, the equipment of the enterprise survived two revolutions and civil war, which made it possible to resume the production of sewing machines in 1923. Products are now produced under the trademarks "PMZ" (Podolsky Mechanical Plant) and "Gosshweug".

Hunting for sewing machines, or why Antikvara Babushkin

The sewing machine developed by American designers was so successful that several decades were produced almost unchanged. Even the design has not changed - "modern" patterns of the beginning of the 20th century became the mandatory attribute of Podolsk devices.

Hunting for sewing machines, or why Antikvara Babushkin

Many legends are associated with the equipment "Singer". One of them, the most famous, states that allegedly in 1998 the leadership of the company who is prosperous, by the way, to this day, announced the payment of remuneration for sewing machines with a serial number starting from the unit.

No one has seen official confirmation of this statement, but the antiquary began to massively buy sewing machines of the company without sorry for this forces and means. It would still be a rumor that old sewing techniques are redeeming from 30 thousand to 1 million dollars. Of course, the story with the "serialings" did not end with anything, leaving fans of the stack of high-quality stacks, but morally outdated many years ago.

Hunting for sewing machines, or why Antikvara Babushkin

Another legend is associated with the content of a palladium rare-earth metal products in the first models, which is valued much higher than gold. In addition, there are rumors about the content of some "red mercury" in the needle of the old "Singer" in the needles of the old "Singer", representing tremendous value.

Whatever it was - the sewing machines of the American brand are still valued until now and their cost over the years is only increasing. Therefore, if you accidentally discovered this interesting rarity at home, do not rush to get rid of it - after time it will be valued much higher.

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