How to prepare Potato Cake: Tips and Recipes


There are such things that instantly transfer us to childhood and make it possible to feel the forgotten ease, carefit and home comfort. The famous cupcake "Potato" is included in this list.

His exquisite taste is able to decorate any tea party. Each resident of Russia at least once in his life tried the famous cupcake. True, few people know that initially this cake was prepared from baking residues and confectionery crumbs. It did not prevent the "potato" to win the hearts of sweet tech and turn into a popular dessert, which remains on the shelves for several decades.

How to prepare a cake

We tell, without which ingredients it is not necessary and how at home to prepare a delicious cupcake "potato". Close to be delighted!


At first it is necessary to prepare a biscuit for the cake "potato". Its composition is not particularly illustrative - it is flour, eggs, sugar and starch. Starch can not only be used corn, but also rice or potato.

Biscuit bakes, and then leave half an hour at room temperature. After that, the biscuit is mandatory to cool and withstand at room temperature from 4 to 12 hours. For the preparation of potatoes, the biscuit is carefully wiped on the grater or passed through a meat grinder or a blender into the crumb.

How to prepare a cake


Creamy oil is another mandatory ingredient of the cake "potato". It is the basis for the cream, which in the process of cooking the cupcake is mixed with the biscuit.

Creamy oil is not the only ingredient of cream for "potatoes". It is mixed with powdered sugar and vanilla. The latter can be added in different variations: vanilla sugar, riming pods, vanilla essence, vanillin.

Cream must be hit until it becomes lush and light. Then add condensed milk and brandy into the cream.

How to prepare a cake

Condensed milk

For the preparation of classic Cupcake "Potato" you need condensed milk. It is best to use proven condensed milk. With it the taste of the cupcake will get the most recognizable and mental.

The condensed milk is added to the cream cream gradually, stretching well at each stage. So the mass will get the most homogeneous as possible, which is good for the consistency of the cake. It is not necessary to hurry: do not mix the ingredients at high speed so as not to spoil the "potatoes" and not to deprive her tender taste.

How to prepare a cake


Cognac is actively used in the preparation of confectionery. Cupcake "Potato" is no exception - cognac is added to cream.

It is a strong drink that decorates the taste of the legendary cake with tart and sophisticated notes. Each piece of "potatoes", impregnated with cognac, turns into a work of art. Cognac perfectly combined with condensed milk and vanilla essence. The drink can be replaced with a tart liquor, but the taste will still not "thereby".

How to prepare a cake

Cocoa powder sugar powder

Before serving, potatoes need to be cut into a mixture of cocoa powder and sugar powder. It is not necessary to do this, but it turns out much more tastier and appetizing.

Often cooks are experimenting with finishing and feeding of cakes. For example, "potatoes" decorate with oil cream or chocolate icing. It turns out very spectacular and appetizing.

How to prepare a cake

Recipe for Cake "Potato"

We share the classic recipe for Cake "Potato". It can be described quite simply: "The same taste."


Flour 75 g

Chicken egg 3 pcs.

Sugar 90 g

Starch 15 g

Creamy oil 125 g

Sugar powder 65 g

Condensed milk 50 g

Cognac 1-2 Art. l.

Cocoa powder to taste

Cooking method:

Separate proteins from yolks. Beat yolks with 2/3 sugar to white. Add flour and starch. Mix.

White proteins in a strong foam, add the remaining sugar and beat again.

Gently combine whipped proteins with a previously cooked mass and mix.

Put the dough into the form for baking and bake in the oven preheated to 200 degrees 13-15 minutes.

Biscuit cool and grind in a blender to the crumb.

Creamy butter whipped with sugar powder, then add condensed milk, continuing to beat.

Connect in a bowl of crushed biscuit with cream and cognac. Leave some decoration cream. Mix thoroughly to the homogeneous mass and the hands of the cakes.

Cut the "potatoes" in cocoa powder and on top to decorate the remaining cream.

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