Pansies - Volumetric Embroidery


Pansies - Volumetric Embroidery

Big flower:

• Silk gently green ("Barwin");

• silk cream-white;

• Red-purple silk ("Dark Fuchsia");

• Violet silk ("violet");

• Silk blue ("Iris");

• Silk gray-green ("resin");

• Artificial silk yellow;

• Silver metallic thread (metallic).

Little flower:

• Moulin of lilac-pink colors ("Wisteria");

• Silk dark purple (Astra);

• Silk gray-green ("resin");

• Violet silk ("violet").


• Embroidery No. 7;

• Embroidery number 8;

• Shenil number 18;

• Straw No. 3.


• White fabric - a piece of 20x20 cm;

• oval beads of about 7 mm in length, preferably red;

• Organza - a piece of 20x20 cm;

• Water-soluble fabric - a piece of 20x20 cm;

• White wire.

Embroidery pansy eyes.

Translate on white fabric contours of petals. To make it easier to embroider, run the lines indicating the direction of stitches. Number every petal. Translate out the contours of the leaf with streaks. Place the fabric in the hoop.

Pansies - Volumetric Embroidery

Big flower. Double silk thread of red-purple color ("Dark Fuchsia") Embroidery needle number 7 We carry out every petal along the loopback seam "Long and short stitches". Stitches must lie smoothly and tight to close the white cloth.


Putting the next series of stitches on the outer part of the petal, take the thread of the same color as you embroidered its contour.

Internal part of the petal embroidered purple, and then blue thread. To get carefully, put the stitches close to each other.


Little flower. Slow out a small flower, as big, just change the thread for the contour to the purple - for a variety. A couple of petals can be made lilac pink.

In order to fill the inner part of the petal, you can embroider another row long and short stitches, again changing the shade of the thread, for example, on a dark purple.


Swallow double silk filament leaves 1 and 2 smooth "in split"; Filling the thread into an embroidery needle, alternate various shades of green.


Leaves of small pansies, open right on the basis of the translated pattern. The contour of the leaves will cover the stalking seam.



- On time the work is constantly checked by the display of the finished flower. The petal F, G, N and I in the center is not necessary to embroider with a darker color, as they will be closed with the top petal.

- on top of the stewed seam on the tips of the leaves, lay several stitches "Fly", and you will have a more embossed image.

Assembly and decoration of colors.

Cut petals and leaves along the contour, trying not to damage the seam. Each sheet and petal should be marked with the corresponding letter or digit so that you are not confused at the time of assembly. Spread them on the table in the desired sequence.

Sew pansies Start from the leaves: Single thread of the corresponding color with small stitches, laid the rounded base of the sheet straight to the leaf drawn on the fabric so that they are on the same line.

Seat the details of the flower Start with the petal V. First, the center of the petal, just as you did with the sheet. The thread should be a single, corresponding color so that the stitches are not noticeable. The outer edge of the petal does not sew the flower when the work is completed, it turned out to be freely lying on the basis.


Attach the centers of the petals C, D, and, finally, on top of the first petal. Do the same with a small flower, starting with the petal G, then H, I, F, and, finally, from above J. To pansy's pansies come true, the upper tips of the petals do not sew.


Take a single yellow thread of artificial silk and a straw needle number 3. Make the middle of the pansies as follows: perform a twisted stitch with a length of about 3 mm (18 turns); Change the thread on the creamy-white and once again perform the twisted stitch with 15 turns. Third stitches Make with 11 turns. Twisted stitches should settle down in the form of a triangle.


Add a green "French knot" in the center - double thread, gently green silk ("Barwin"), 3 windows. Now the core is finished.

The same is performed for a small flower: Yellow thread - 15 Navivakov, the first white - 10, the second white - 8, the green "French knot" is a double thread, 2 windows.


Single silver metal thread Make a few stitches "Flush" on top of a small flower. It turns out very unusual.

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