These things will be put in a dead end of a modern man


These things will be put in a dead end of a modern man
These items are witnesses of a certain period of time. Epo's left, and they became unnecessary. These things have forgotten, and the purpose of many is not immediately guess.

1. Torembes

This is a very original sudine, the saucer of which has a special lattice or recess to hold the cup. Thrembling (from Fr. "Trembleuse" - trembling hands) invented in 17V. For drinking very expensive hot chocolate. But she could be used for other reasons - to help everyone who had a hand tremble.
These things will be put in a dead end of a modern man

2. Pleuppress

The spleensive vessel, which was widely used by people who used chewing tobacco. This dishes are usually installed in public places. It was popular for many centuries in China, in the USA in 19V.). In addition to large, for mass use, everyone who chewed tobacco has had their own little glitter with a lid, which was worn with them.
These things will be put in a dead end of a modern man

3. Ballroom dancer

Carnation de Bal (CarNet de Bal) is a mandatory attribute that ladies took with them to the ball. Dancing and names of partners who invited the lady were recorded in this book. Sheets were made of ivory, therefore were reusable. Pencil is easily erased from the bone plate.
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4. Mechanical leech

This invention appeared in the 19th century on the wave of hidden therapy. In that time it was believed that bloodletting could heal from many diseases. When the leeches were unavailable, the patient could use the mechanical leech - the device in the form of a syringe with needles-feathers for bloodstand and imitation of hirudotherapy. This thing was advertised as an affordable tool and was used at home.
These things will be put in a dead end of a modern man

5. Shatlen

The waist suspension with fasteners for useful trifles. Known from the Middle Ages, Shatlen became especially popular in 18-19 centuries.
These things will be put in a dead end of a modern man

This belt fixture largely replaced and complemented the ladies bag. He was eagerly worn and representatives of different professions. For example, the tailor Chartlena was helped in its activity - on the belt, the girls were fucked by everything that could come in handy at any time: scissors, needles.

These things will be put in a dead end of a modern man

6. Gofractor for Plisse

Special iron, which was used to gifting folds on ribbons and ruffles. It was made of cast iron, steel and brass, heated in different ways - on the stove, coal or steam. There were irons combined with corrugates and separate hot plicy machines.
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7. Holder for the nasal handker

A special device, which consisted of clamping, chains and rings. The ring was worn on a finger or hung on the shtten. This holder was fashionable to the Victorian Epoch. It could be used both in everyday life and for the secret language of nasal headscarves.
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8. Hair Receiver

Special box, which collected hair remaining on the comb. Then, when a sufficient amount was accumulated, they were used for lining into the hairstyle. Often these boxes were sold with hair brushes.
These things will be put in a dead end of a modern man

9. Grandel

Hunting decorations that were made of precious metals and fangs of ruminant animals, as a rule, deer. The most famous specimens, with the teeth of the hands of the killed deer, are presented with Prince Albert Queen Victoria.
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10. Spoon for bone marrow

An elegant thing made of silver, which was used for the convenience of the bone marrow from tubular bones. In the 17th century, the brain was considered a delicacy and was used by noble individuals. Both ends of the spoons are functional, they were made different in the form and diameter to extract the tasty content from the bones of any diameter.
These things will be put in a dead end of a modern man

11. Monetress

Soft stockings with a slot, in which coins were folded. As a rule, the monet ministee had two end, each of which was placed coins of various dignity.
These things will be put in a dead end of a modern man

The wallet itself hung over the belt.

These things will be put in a dead end of a modern man

12. Sapoter

Device for shooting boots. A comfortable slingshot made it possible to do these manipulations without resorting to the help of unauthorized persons. Boots, especially narrow officers or equestrian, is quite difficult to shoot on their own, so the copper-decorated with a mandatory slings of a copper or wooden thing was taken with them. However, this attribute was almost every house in the 19th century.
These things will be put in a dead end of a modern man
These things will be put in a dead end of a modern man

13. Grape scissors

Perhaps modern people will be surprised, but the grapes for dessert used to be taken, without opening the berries from the brush, but cut off with special scissors. This is a small tool, a bowl of all made of silver, was served to the table with a fruit vase.
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14. Brazier for bed

It is now we are expanded by central heating. In medieval houses, such a brazier with stirred coals was often the only way to warm the bed.
These things will be put in a dead end of a modern man

15. Stand for cutlery

It is a richly decorated design of silver, bone or even a tree, which was leaning a knife, forks during meals. The stand helped to protect the tablecloth from the spots with a change of dishes or a pause during a long lunch.
These things will be put in a dead end of a modern man

16. Cup Mustache

A cup with a special panel to protect the mustache during tea party. This dish invented in 1860 ceramist Harvey Adams. It was popular until the 1920s. The shield could have a different design, to be porcelain and silver, solid with a cup and removable - it is important that the rejected mustache was not damaged by the hot steam and retained their shape even after a long tea party.
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17. Face Screen

This is not a fan at all, as our contemporaries could think. Such screens were protected by a face, sitting by the fireplace. They were removed from the heat or random spark. Often, the screens produced pairs for men and women.
These things will be put in a dead end of a modern man

18. Case for snuff salts

In the age, when ladies from adolescence tightly laid in the corsets, fainting were the usual picture. Women deprived of feelings for any occasion. To suppress the attack of illtate, almost every self-respecting ladies had a bottle with a snuff salt. It was enough to bring it to the nose, and nausea, caused by the excitement or something else, was held.
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19. Hat Clover

Long, thin fixture, with which the hat was fixed on a lush hairstyle. Once the fashion on the pin reached apogee - the ladies flashed with huge sharp hairpins up to 30 cm long, which were even dangerous.
These things will be put in a dead end of a modern man

They were even banned for those ladies who used omnibus. Passenger-violators of this rule on the protruding ends of the pin were put on wine traffic jams.

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20. Gloves cruise

These are sliding tongs on the spring, whose assistance was resorted when the lady had a new pair of husk skin gloves. The cruises were simple - from wood and sophisticated - from silver, bones.
These things will be put in a dead end of a modern man

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