Memories from the past: 15 ways to use a newspaper read


15 ways to use the newspaper read

Read newspapers now usually do not need anyone. Previously, at least pioneers went from an apartment in an apartment with a request to find a kilogram of waste paper. Now newspapers and magazines are most often emitted. We propose to remember what they did 20-30 years ago with them, and to find out with surprise that many advice are relevant so far.

1. Cups for seedlings

Cups for seedlings

Cups for seedlings

If you need to urgently cut the seedlings, and there are no suitable tanks, you can make them from the girlfriend. For example, from old newspapers.

2. Cover for the book

Cover for book

It is no secret that many Soviet schoolchildren, and not only they wrapped the books with newspapers to extend their lives. True, the covers from colorful wallpaper were considered special chic.

3. Dryer for shoes

Dryer for shoes

Twenty years ago no one heard about modern electric dryers for wet shoes. Everything was much prosaic. In the sock of shoes, old newspapers were stuffed, which were well absorbed moisture. As the newspaper has been needed.

4. Freshener for Sudkiv

Freshener for Sudkov

To remove the smell from the Sudkit (in modern one of the lunch box), you just need to get it out the newspaper, close the lid and leave for the night.

5. Window cleaner

Cleaner for window

Cleaner for window

An incredibly simple and efficient way to make windows perfectly clean and glittering. After the windows are washed away, they are wiped with a newspaper.

6. Filler


In order to winter shoes, the shoes did not die and did not lose the form, in her sock you need to tightly fill the newspaper. If I do not want, in order for the top of the races, you can fill them with newspapers so that they stood vertically. The same method is suitable for any things, such as bags.

7. Tablecloth


Who does not know about a wonderful self-balancing tablecloth, on which a snack appears on the magic suddenly, and drinking.

8. bottom for flower pot

Memories from the past: 15 ways to use a newspaper read

So that the earth will not fall out of the flower vase. You just need to store the bottom of the piece of old newspaper.

9. Vegetable Base

Vegetable Base

So that the fruits are faster, they will also need old newspapers. The work will have a painstaking, because they will have to wrap each fruit separately.

10. Woolproof paper


If the book can be wrapped in a newspaper, then why not do the same with a gift. True, except for her, there will be more ribbons and bows.

11. Photo frame

Picture frame

From the newspaper you can make a stunning photo frame. To do this, you need to turn out the stripes from it, roll them in the form of roses and paint in any color.

12. Klumba


To break the flower leaf on the lawn, you need to mock the grass in the fall, decompose the newspapers in four layers, to fall asleep with the 10xantimeter layers of fallen leaves and pour. In the spring, the place will be ready for processing.

13. Packaging paper

Wrapping paper

All fragile things can be packed in the newspaper so that they do not break, for example, when moving.

14. Input rug

Input rug

Input rug

To under wet shoes, puddles were not formed, it is worth it under it to lay the layer of old newspapers.

15. Refrigerator freshener

Refrigerator freshener

Refrigerator freshener

If the separation for vegetables and fruits to send a newspaper, then it will be a pleasant smell and there will be no moisture.

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