The easiest way to make a spectacular flower from any fabric


Creating crafts with your own hands is considered one of the most interesting and useful studies. For such a job, you do not need to buy a large amount of material and spend a lot of time to prepare.


Beginner needlewomen professionals recommend choosing the easiest way to make a spectacular flower from the fabric. The finished product will be a good interior decoration and create a festive atmosphere in the apartment.

Preparation for work

The success of any case directly depends on the quality of the preparatory work. It was not an exception and manufacture of fabric flowers with their own hands.

An experienced or beginner needlewoman needs to choose the most suitable material and choose the required devices.

Necessary subjects:

The easiest way to make a spectacular flower from any fabric

  • Atlas, Chiffon, Shelk or Organza;
  • scissors;
  • needle with thread;
  • Threads Muline;
  • matches;
  • candle.

Manufacturing process

If the preparation was performed qualitatively, during the main stage of the work there should be no difficulties.

The process of making homemade flowers from the fabric itself is simplicity, so even a child can figure it out in all its details.

The correct sequence of actions:

The easiest way to make a spectacular flower from any fabric

  1. From the selected tissue, 4 circles with a diameter of 10 cm and one part of the same form of smaller sizes (from 5 to 8 cm). The best of all taking a white or pink material, which will give a finished product tenderness and visible lightness.
  2. After that take a match and light the candle.
  3. Consistently take all the blanks and bring them to the flame.
  4. Fabric circles slowly turn around their axis to carefully treat edges. At the same time you need to be as cautious and have water to extinguish fire.
  5. As a result of these actions, the edge of the parts will be twisted and a little darkened.
  6. At the next stage of work, scissors take 4 shallow outbreaks (not more than 1.5-2 cm). It is important to leave the center of blanks.
  7. Cut locations are treated with fire Just as the lateral parts of future petals.
  8. On two billets make another 4 outbreak, each of which is located between the two already existing.
  9. For places, cuts repeat all manipulations with fire.
  10. Then proceed to the manufacture of flower stamens . For this, the 8-fingers are wound up 8 turns of threads Moulin. It is advisable to take her yellow or orange.
  11. Motok remove from fingers and tie it up the middle.
  12. The formed loops are neatly cut with scissors.
  13. The flower assembly starts with two petals having 4 cuts.
  14. Top places blanks with 8 cuts.
  15. After that, the small circle is fixed.
  16. With the help of the needle and the threads are sewn the ladder, and then give the flower the desired shape.

Homemade fabric flowers are universal decor elements.

With their help, you can decorate the room on the eve of any holiday, arrange a box with a gift or give originality to the object of the wardrobe.

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