Little Tip - Hostess, pour pineapple juice, not thinking!


Little Tip - Hostess, pour pineapple juice, not thinking! And that's why:

I know one simple salad with ham. And here, just, the ham is left - no one eats. Give me, I think, I will do for a variety. Pineapples go to the salad. He opened the bank, took out the fruit - the juice remained.

I don't want to drink, pour sorry.

I know one cupcake, the juice on the recipe is put - a pineapple or orange. Spinned the Keksik, for some reason only yolks from eggs. Proteins remained. It is a pity to throw out, keep - still ends in the end.

I thought - you can make meringue. Nothing difficult. In meringue lemon housing fined. There was a bald lemon. If you immediately do not use, dried!

Well, lemon is just. The sauce is excellent for salad. In the salad cut half-bulbs. Only big bulbs in the house! Half remained - well, what to do with it? I decided to fry tomato swimming for spaghetti, there was nothing more to fry with the bow.

Opened the bank of tomato paste, used half. And the second half where? Forget because in the refrigerator, and it will disappear without preservatives.

I decided to cook borsch. No cabbage was found for borscht. I had to go to the store. The store bought a cabbage, carrot, seler, sausages, sausage, napkins, washing powder, tablecloth (discount), slippers (also at a discount) and gaskets three packs just in case.

On the road from the store I drove to the bank - I put a check, then I took the photos next to the photo studio, took the pants from the repair, bought a husband in a bun bun for breakfast. I barely dotted all this from the machine to elevator.

He welded Borsch, no longer noticed whether there was something. Fell on the sofa, the back is not uninstalled, I do not feel the legs, the hands fall off ...

I think it was necessary to pour this pineapple juice in FIG.

Pictures on request Bank with pineapples

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