Porcelain dreams: Delicious Dolls Oxana Sugar


There are such skintrons like Oksana Sakharov, whose life all year round is filled with the beauty and embodiment of fantasies. Oksana - Master Creator Dolls. How many wonders are hidden behind the scenes of her workshop! Let's briefly plunge into the world of antique lace arms that have come true and conquered vertices.


Porcelain dreams: Delicious Dolls Oxana Sugar

"Oksana, in 2011 you made a" steep turn - from the post of head of the marketing department at the Amber Combine to the manufacture of dolls. " Tell us why you decided to do such painstaking work, and how did the creative path begin? Who supported you?

- Yes, 11/11/11 My professional path in the art of dolls began. I then took part in the international

The exhibition "Art Dolls" in Manege. The event shocked the scale, level of work. After the exhibition, I understood: if you want to do a doll, you need to do it professionally, the level of hobby has become narrow for me. The decision to dismiss with stable and interesting work was quite easy, even with joy, because I completely leaving the fascinating world of dolls. There were serious tasks ahead: an independent study of porcelain technician, acquaintance with a hinge doll.

Porcelain dreams: Delicious Dolls Oxana Sugar

Porcelain dreams: Delicious Dolls Oxana Sugar

- Member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia, Member of Numerous Exhibitions and Laureate of the Annual International Competition Pandora Platinum ... What do these victories mean for you?

- Each victory is the recognition of the professional community, the stimulus go on. Pandora for me was a landmark event, because I was in one nomination with doll art matrahm: Alexandra Kukinova, Natalia Win. Therefore, I consider this victory the most valuable.

Porcelain dreams: Delicious Dolls Oxana Sugar

- All your products are made of high quality porcelain, and natural silk, silk velvet, leather for shoes and antique embroidery, beads, and antique embroidery are used for outfits. What appears before in your workshop, sketches or fabrics? Where and how do you usually find antique materials?

- Work on the doll is always starting with a sketch. Moreover, since I work projects, it all begins with a general concept: what will be the project, what is the role of each doll in this project, that it should be taught. After drawing every doll. And only after that I start working on sculpture. Fabrics and accessories also select at the stage of sketches. I love silk very much, my dolls even hair from natural silk. Of course, without antique fabrics and details, the suit seems to me incompletely, so I try to complement each outfit to the antique elements. Where I find? Literally - with the world on a thread. Wherever I am, the first point is to visit the flea markets, and friends, knowing about my passion, also come with gifts. Well, of course, I find the treasures on our and famous world puppet exhibitions.

Porcelain dreams: Delicious Dolls Oxana Sugar

Porcelain dreams: Delicious Dolls Oxana Sugar

Porcelain dreams: Delicious Dolls Oxana Sugar

- Surely to keep plaster forms, finished products and numerous materials, keep the oven and tables for grids and painting, a big workshop is required. How is your workspace organized?

- I do not keep gypsum forms from previous collections for longer than three years. Experts time, and the forms go to the landfill. Sorry? No, because otherwise it is impossible to move forward. From each model, I bet no more than ten dolls, often even less. It turns out: a new project is a new model and forms.

Porcelain dreams: Delicious Dolls Oxana Sugar

Porcelain dreams: Delicious Dolls Oxana Sugar

Of course, space is needed for storage and for comfortable work. I have my own workshop. It is all thought out in it, there is a place for a furnace with a professional hood, a lot of shelves in the storeroom, and even their photowon.

Porcelain dreams: Delicious Dolls Oxana Sugar

- Tell us about the stages of creation: what process is more exciting other, and what kind of beauty is the time more than usual. How did you know all this skill? What do you think the main thing in your works?

- I am completely immersed in every step of creation, I work with pleasure every day. I love working with sculpture, I love the painting stage and the creation of a costume. It can be said like this: what at the moment I work, then I love even such a "dirty" stage as the removal of forms fonds, because it is intrigue and technical calculation. And so that this belt is more pleasant in aesthetic plan, I undergo it to good weather and working in the garden among roses and bird singing.

Usually I have no "long-term". I do not know why, but all the ideas I bring to the end. I can not remember the doll over which it would be hard for me to work. If I already see her, it will certainly appear on the light.

Porcelain dreams: Delicious Dolls Oxana Sugar

It is difficult for me to say that the main thing in my dolls. Probably image, condition. It is important for me that the doll is penetrating and balanced. So that it is not always the same. That is why there are mobility in my dolls. I always make an emphasis: hinges in my dolls is not the main thing, it is only an opportunity to add a doll of verbal. A little changed the tilt of the head - and the doll changes the mood. That's what I want, the doll is not a frozen sculpture. I want them to live.

Porcelain dreams: Delicious Dolls Oxana Sugar

Porcelain dreams: Delicious Dolls Oxana Sugar

- Your porcelain nymphs require a quiet "museum" relationship as tender collectible creation. Many live in England, Estonia, Latvia, the Czech Republic. What makes the price of such products? What is a collective portrait of your buyer?

- The question of the price is complex for me. Rather, this is a personal perception, for which amount I am ready to part with a doll. Never counted economic efficiency. But I know the price of the market. My dolls live in collectors' homes. And I really hope that years later they will be value and will be inherited. My buyers are thin, delicate, passionate people. Often they come to collecting porcelain dolls from porcelain collecting.

Porcelain dreams: Delicious Dolls Oxana Sugar

Porcelain dreams: Delicious Dolls Oxana Sugar

- One of the collections is named after the painter and the graphics of Alfons Fly, the other is inspired by the court fashion of the XVIII century. And what other artists and epochs are generously divided with you ideas of new projects? To what extent do you hold the historical accuracy of the costumes?

- I am deeply immersed in the era, in which my new dolls will exist. I study painting and sculpture of that time. I can not say that the costumes of my dolls are created with historical accuracy, but I try to match the epoch, allowing somewhere free interpretation. At the same time, I know how long underwear was fashionable in this century, I try to reconstruct the main details, right up to the drawing on the tissues and lace. It is not easy, but very fascinating, and the work here is echoing with the hunter's excitement, because finding a worthy and suitable lace happens as difficult.

Porcelain dreams: Delicious Dolls Oxana Sugar

"According to your words," the doll carries exactly the energy charge that the author invests in it. If it is bad on the soul, work will not go. " And what is important to create a working atmosphere, how do you support the vigor of the body and spirit?

- It's true. And I do not know what is primary - mood or work, but notice that I do not work in a bad mood or with severe thoughts. Perhaps work is increasing so much that bad thoughts dissipate! I was lucky: I created an ideal work for myself, to which I go with joy. In my workshop cozy, the firewood cracked in the fireplace, beautiful music sounds, tea from her husband's beloved garden - everything has everything. If you open the window, you will hear the singing of the cockerel, the cuckoo arrives in the spring. The fussy world remains far behind the fence.

Porcelain dreams: Delicious Dolls Oxana Sugar

Porcelain dreams: Delicious Dolls Oxana Sugar

"What else, in addition to creative practices, you are doing with pleasure, to which it is not a pity to spend your free time?"

- on the family. I have it big: three daughters. I value the weekend in which we love to ride the sea. Our dunes are an inexhaustible source of inspiration and a wonderful doctor.

Porcelain dreams: Delicious Dolls Oxana Sugar

Porcelain dreams: Delicious Dolls Oxana Sugar

- Does anyone follow your creative way if you have successors?

- Senior daughters have already chosen their way, they are far from dolls. The youngest is still dreaming to become a designer. She often goes with me at the exhibition, meets the dolls of many artists. Who knows, maybe one day and she will create a porcelain beauty.

Porcelain dreams: Delicious Dolls Oxana Sugar

- Do you have a dream in creative plan? What would you advise to those who want to professionally engage in handmade and be a popular master? What qualities you need to have it necessary to develop in yourself?

- My dream is so absurd that, I think she will remain a dream, I would like to ever my doll to be put up at Sotheby's auction as the work of high mastery in which the sculpture, director, the history of the costume is synthesized. I feel that my dolls are art. And to become a professional in this area, you need to want them. Even to absorb knowledge. Develop a philosophical attitude to the world. After all, the doll is a whole universe.

Porcelain dreams: Delicious Dolls Oxana Sugar

Porcelain dreams: Delicious Dolls Oxana Sugar

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