Culinary ideas

Culinary ideas

Mys. Assemble for you the 10 coolest kitchen tricks, which will come across this time in the pre-New Year.

Droplets from yogurt

Culinary ideas

Droplets from yogurt are delicious, and most importantly, a useful snack, especially beloved by children. It is done very easily: Place the yogurt in a plastic bag or a confectionery syringe, squeeze the droplets on a leaf for baking, and then place a sheet in the freezer for 1 hour.

Cut onions and not cry

Culinary ideas

In order for the bow to be no longer able to bring you to tears, before proceeding with cooking, put it for 15 minutes in the freezing chamber.

How easy to clean eggs

Culinary ideas

The shell from the welded eggs will be departed by itself, almost without your help, if you throw a lemon slice in a saucepan during cooking. Lemon, by the way, can be replaced with 1/2 h. L. Food Soda - the effect will be the same.

Secret cooking dumplings

Culinary ideas

Fill water into a pan on half and wait for it boil. Then add salt, bay leaf and throw dumplings into water. Wait until they pop up, then Thin jet pour a glass of cold water . And cook another 3-4 minutes. This cold water trick will allow to reveal to all taste quality tests.

As a furnace if the eggs run out

Culinary ideas

If you are gathered, say, buns or cook another baking and you have ended eggs, then they can be replaced with a banana: 1 egg = 1/2 banana. The dish from such a replacement will not be worse.

Perfect coffee

Culinary ideas

The trick that will appreciate the amateurs of coffee and those who in the morning just can not wake up without a cup of freshly welded espresso. Sprinkle a little salt and cinnamon in a handful of ground coffee before welding. Salt helps to remove the bitter aroma of thermal grains, and the cinnamon will give an amazing taste.

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