10 of the most strange home recipes affecting their effectiveness


10 of the most strange home recipes affecting their effectiveness

Often we spend hundreds and thousands of consultation with specialists and the acquisition of expensive funds to solve our problems, and do not pay attention to the ingredients that our houses are always at hand. If you open a refrigerator, you can find a lot of interesting and useful. Sometimes the most unexpected ingredient can come to the rescue, the stunning abilities of which we did not suspect.

10. Coca-Cola and perfect hair

Coca-Cola and perfect hair

Suckoo Waterhouse, a popular model, once admitted in an interview with the US Weekly magazine, which washes the hair of Coca-Cola. She said that she didn't like to use shampoos, since their hair would be fat and become hard. We buy a bottle of Coca-Cola and my hair without shampoo and air conditioning. Then the hazel hair. They became softer and volume. The drink includes phosphoric acid and sugar. Acid lowers the pH level, hair cuticle is strengthened, and the hair looks better. Sugar records hairstyle.

9. Tomatoes and acne aspirin

Tomatoes and acne aspirin

Tomatoes and acne aspirin

Everyone knows which basic ingredient is effective in treating acne. This is salicylic acid and aspirin. How do you use aspirin? We simply grind a tablet, mix it with water and we get a cashem who is applied to acne, and after drying, we wash off. The tomatoes contain vitamins A and C, antioxidants and acid. If you have the skin prone to fatty, tomatoes will help. Make a puree from one tomato, impose it on the skin of the face. Hold such an hour and smash such a mask. Apply the mask once a day for a week.

8. Scotch from warts

Scotch from warts

Scotch from warts

You have a wart, and you do not know how to get rid of them, you should not worry, as ordinary scotch will come to the rescue. All you need is to wind up a finger where the wart, scotch and hold a week. Then remove the scotch and process the place where the wart pumice was. Cut this place again scotching for a week, and the wart will disappear. The fact is that scotch blocks the access of oxygen and does not give wart to grow.

7. Food soda will save from the unpleasant smell of mouth

Food soda will save from the unpleasant odor

Food soda will save from the unpleasant odor

Everyone is familiar with the feeling when the mouth is unpleasant as a result of the use of garlic, pended products, or due to poor-quality hygienic procedures. In stores and pharmacies you can purchase a large number of expensive funds, including tablets, sprays and rinses, while the food soda is much cheaper and safer. Apply a little soda on a toothbrush and clean your teeth. You can also rip the mouth with a solution of soda: 2 teaspoons on a glass of water. The soda contributes to the fact that the acidity in the mouth decreases, bacteria die, which are the cause of an unpleasant odor.

6. Chocolate from cough

Chocolate from cough

Chocolate from cough

All familiar words Mary Poppins are about the fact that the sugar spoon can cure everything. There is some truth in this if you treat cough. In 60 grams of chocolate contains the same amount of theobromine, which is contained in cough medicine. Theobromin suppresses receptors that cause cough. Black chocolate will save you from cough.

5. Bow from pain in the ear

Bow from pain in the ear

Bow from pain in the ear

The pain in the ear can be considered one of the most mysterious, because it is not visible what is happening in the dark tunnels of the aurist. Scientists argue that pain provoke bacteria that cause inflammation. Onions acts as an antiseptic that kills these bacteria. Cook the bulb, press juice from it. Drink in the ear 2-5 drops of juice and the pain will pass.

4. Lemon from nausea

Lemon from nausea

Lemon from nausea

Sometimes, for different reasons, we are nauseous. Some nausea during pregnancy, others - while traveling by car or ship. Save can a tablet from the tech, but this medicine has a lot of side effects, for example, drowsiness. Therefore, the only way to survive a hat on the ship is a dream. But this is not a way out. It is better to take a skirt from lemon and inhale the flavor during nausea. The smell of lemon will facilitate your condition. You can also suck the skirt and eat a couple of olives.

3. Sugar from Ikot

Sugar from Ikota

Sugar from Ikota

Icota arises due to a spasm of the diaphragm. The diaphragm is a muscle that separates the chest from the abdominal cavity. Ikota can be very obsessive and deliver trouble and discomfort. It is known that a spoon of sugar can come to the rescue. To confirm this fact, studies were conducted in which 20 people took part, and in 19 of them, IKOT took place after they accepted a spoon of sugar. The fact is that the sweetness that fell into the tongue is valid for receptors, forcing Ikot to leave.

2. Vodka from unpleasant smell of feet

Vodka from unpleasant

Vodka from unpleasant

Do you know the reason for the unpleasant smell of the legs? These are bacteria. If you walk in the shoes all day, the legs sweat, and the bacteria love this environment and begin to multiply intensively. It is not necessary to run into the bathroom for the fifteenth time in the day to wash the legs, that the smell does not indicate that the legs are dirty. No need to spend a lot of money on expensive medicines that promise to get rid of this problem. Vodka is your tool. Alcohol, which is contained in vodka, dry and disinfects the skin, and the bacteria do not multiply. All you need to wipe the sole vodka.

1. Mint and cinnamon gum remove stress

Mint and cinnamon gum remove stress

Mint and cinnamon gum remove stress

The researchers found that the chewing of mint or cinnamon chewing makes stress by 20% and disrupts consciousness. Research participants argued that in 30% of cases, they had increased attention, and in 25%, the mood was raised. The journey seems shorter to those who chew a chewing and longer than everyone else.

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