From the blanket with your own hands: skirt, poncho, sweater, coat or vest to choose


From the plaid Plus Light jacket and vest

And even the machine will not need. For first apparel. Let's make everything quickly with your own hands. It is suitable ready plaid from the fleece. But I recommend wool with special nurses.

Coloring can be any, but the cell, you see, looks warm, and slightly, and not trivially.

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Front view and rear inspire

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The name of the author lost, unfortunately, but she is in the photo.

Master class took on the website of the needlewoman community

It will take a square plaid, scissors, a needle-thread

Collapse plaid in half. Mix the middle. From each edge, mark the place for hand - a wide sleeve. Sew with one and on the other side

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And yet - absolutely necessary jacket and vest. With patterns

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From the blanket with your own hands: skirt, poncho, sweater, coat or vest to choose

From the blanket with your own hands: skirt, poncho, sweater, coat or vest to choose

A source

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