Cook eggs on science: perfect formula from chef


How to cook eggs on science.

How to cook eggs on science.

In the preparation of eggs, most of us consider themselves experts, because there is nothing easier than to cook around or skid them. However, it turns out, we do it completely wrong! One chef that has taken seriously to this issue, revealed the secret of the competent approach and the ideal time of cooking Yaiz. Shef-cook and scientist Jay Kenji Lopec-Alto (J. Kenji Lopez-Alt) From San Francisco The author of the book "Food Lab: Improve the cooking on science" (The Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science) set not one experiment, trying to remove the ideal formula of the egg cooking.

The problem is that various conditions of preparation are optimal for yolk and protein. The perfect temperature for the protein is 82 ° Celsius (then it is done in the measure dense, but it does not become rubber). And the yolk "more comfortable" at 77 ° (the temperature above makes it dry and crumbly, besides, it can sleep).

Simply put: if you put an egg in boiling water, then so far the yolk hardens, the protein is already spoiled, and if in the cold - the protein sticks to the shell and we risk torture at the cleaning stage.

Jay Kenji Lopec-Alto He proposed to solve this problem as follows: throw eggs into boiling water for 30 seconds, and then add several ice cubes to them (to lower T °) and wait for the boil. After you cook to the desired state. And in order to determine - at what point, what a consistency will be eggs, it took them every 30 seconds and checked the state. The result of his research is clearly visible on both illustrations.

Eggs that were removed every 30 seconds after water boiling.

Eggs that were removed every 30 seconds after water boiling.

And those who are too lazy to experiment with the amount of ice, you can just remember how much time you need to cook eggs to get an egg skey, "in the bag" or voluminous, as described in the appropriate video:

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