An extraordinary approach: the second life of a plastic bottle from any detergent


An extraordinary approach: the second life of a plastic bottle from any detergent

Plastic bottles of shampoo and detergents throw out very often. However, they can be converted into useful and pretty little things - a charming clutch that will be both practical and beautiful, because you can decorate it to your liking. By the same principle, not only clutch can be made, as shown below, but also a handbag for storing small things, and cosmetic bag, and many other things.

To begin with, the bottle should be penetrating well and remove all labels from it. The top is covered and cutting. Ribbon remove.

An extraordinary approach: the second life of a plastic bottle from any detergent

We stick to the top with the help of hot glue-pistol a zipper, bending the edges.

An extraordinary approach: the second life of a plastic bottle from any detergent

We glue a small piece of cloth to the surface of the bottle, gently converting the edges.

An extraordinary approach: the second life of a plastic bottle from any detergent

An extraordinary approach: the second life of a plastic bottle from any detergent

From the cardboard, cut out the bottom on the form of the bottle, gently glue a piece of fabric to it.

An extraordinary approach: the second life of a plastic bottle from any detergent

And attach to the bottom.

An extraordinary approach: the second life of a plastic bottle from any detergent

At the request of the clutch you can decorate beads, lace and any other decor you like.

An extraordinary approach: the second life of a plastic bottle from any detergent

The work is over!

An extraordinary approach: the second life of a plastic bottle from any detergent

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