Unique wall design with stencils


Pictures on request wall design with stencils
Create interesting effects, the imitation of painting is very simple and for this there is no need to extend themselves with endless search for exclusive wallpapers or stickers offered by manufacturers. I suggest us with you to study the possibilities of using stencils to create unique images. What are the iaraphs for the walls, the subtleties of screening equipment, the manufacture of stencils with their own hands - about it and we read a lot in the article by Elena immortal "decoration of walls by stencils."
Unique wall design with stencils

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Unique wall design with stencils

There are miracles in life! You have a new apartment! You have been waiting for meetings with her for so long ... and now square meters guarantee you stability, comfort and protection. How do you want to make your housing unique, not like everyone else! How do you want every guest, crossing the threshold, numbness from the beauty that will open his breath! You shuffle a huge number of magazines, construction sites with pictures and ... are lost. So many excellent ideas, and the apartment is only one! It is impossible to realize all the desires at the same time. And if you also calculate the correspondence of the limited possibilities of endless desires ... so you can ripped out of inspiration to a state of confusion, and then - to the state "I'm still still, let everything be somehow!" Stop. Very harmful to bring herself to such a state. Your home will surely be the most beautiful and cozy. And uniqueness can be achieved by decoring. We will consider one of these features in this article. This is the decoration of walls by stencils.

Stencil on the wall today is just

Forget about sad stencils for the walls of the last century. New technologies keep up with fashion and comfort.

Decorating walls by stencil will change the interior of your home:

Unique wall design with stencils

Unique wall design with stencils

See how skillfully used stencils for walls? They are not massive, do not press their large square. They combine walls and furniture in a single whole, express accents, create the impression of the completed interior.

Types of stencils

one. Simple, that is, in one paint;

Simple stencil

2. Combined when a complex drawing is created with a set of stencils and several shades of paint;

Multicolor stencil

3. Volumetric stencil that is performed using a putty;

Volumetric stencil

four. The so-called "reverse" or "anti-thinrain" when the paint is sprayed around the closed area of ​​the wall. Such pictures create the effect of the glow, halo around a clear circuit.


The most pleasant thing is that the wall decoration with your own hands can be easily done in a few minutes, or hours if you choose a more complex option. Thanks to the universality of acrylic paint, which all designers recommend, stencils can be applied not only on painted walls, but also on the panel, wallpaper, glass, wood, fabric. Whatever the walls are covered, the acrylic will be strong on them. Little is suitable for decorating by stencils. Is that a very textured wall.

Stencils for walls can be purchased ready in all major stores of building materials, you can even buy on the Internet. They are convenient because it is possible to order a stencil according to the image you seal. You can cut the stencil plotter from the vinyl film in any advertising firm. There you can even bring a photo, and the designer will make the image suitable for the stencil. Many embodiments. The most important thing is to come up with what you want to portray, and where. Today, black openwork elements and elements that combine the entire color gamut of the interior are very relevant. Such solutions you see in the first photos.

In the production of stencils are cut from fine and durable transparent or colored vinyl film. Volumetric - from polychlorvinyl a few millimeters thick.

Film stencil

There is also a special aerosol glue, with which the film is fixed to the wall. Such glue for stencils does not leave traces. Paint for stencils use acrylic. It can be construction, you can artistic. Acryl dries very quickly, and racks for manifestations of life. You can use spray is the easiest option. Gives smooth coating. It is possible a foam sponge - a budget option, but it also makes it possible to tint the drawing. The tools are still suitable for a brush with a short rigid bristle and roller.

Glue for stencils

Selecting a place for stencil

Where can I place stencils? Everywhere. It is impossible to give clear recommendations here. In this question, we are guided only by a sense of beauty.

If you do not want to fill in a large wall area, you can make small stencils near the switches.

It looks very beautiful stencil over the bed or above the table, or near the window, doors. Then the drawing fits into the space absolutely harmonious.

Stencil near the switch: beautiful and functionally. Light wall is protected from shielding with fingers

Stencil over the bed in the bedroom

Let's look at how to work correctly with a stencil, in a short time to decorate the wall with stencil with your own hands and achieve the results promised by manufacturers.

Rules for work with stencils

one. If you are not an artist, it is better not to cut the stencil manually. It's not so simple. Any bursavar or irregularity will increase repeatedly. Stencil is better to order. The lines are cut out of the plotter look incomparably.

2. The wall should be smooth, dry and clean. If you can wash the wall - mine, if not, wipe the dry microfiber or cotton cloth.

3. On the wall we make markup with a pencil: where the top, where the bottom and side points so that the image does not shift and not crawled to the side.

four. Be sure to make a trial option on a piece of wallpaper, for example. By this you will kill a few hares: do the hand, pick up the paint and you can, apply a sample to the wall, see how it will look in the final.

five. Use special glue! He greatly facilitates life. Applying the scotch, you risk tear off the wall of the film along with the paint.

6. Paints should not be too much! It is generally needed at least for such work.

7. If we use spray paint, keep the spray at a distance of 30 cm, and at the same time watches it to be sprayed outside the film. If necessary, we additionally protect the wall.

eight. If you work with a foam sponge, then macuing it into paint, be sure to make the first prints on the same old wallpaper to remove the surplus paint.

nine. If we work with a brush, then we make movement up-down. Colors in the bristles at least.

10. If we work the roller, then you follow how paint behaves in the corners. In general, the roller is better to use for stencils, where there are no narrow slots and sharp corners. Because the paint in them or will not fall at all, or will fall asleep, which is unacceptable.

Stencils for walls do it yourself

Now more for each type of stencils. We will work with such cute pandas from the catalog of vector drawings.

1. Simple stencil

Glue it to the prepared wall with special glue. And put paint or smooth layer, or very little to create a vintage effect.


Simple stencil in one paint

2. Effect of gradient

We take two shades of one paint. How to do it? In one portion, add some black, to another - how much white is needed. And create a gradient, moving from the dark to the brightest. For this we work only a sponge. At the end, we recruit clean white color on the sponge and enhance the effect, slightly walking along the bright edge.

Acrylic paints. Basic colors

Similarly, you can paint panda in different colors with a few sponges and palettes. It is important to stick to the color scheme inherent in the room so that the stencil does not look alien.

Another secret. In order to make a color drawing, it is not necessary to buy all the art store at all. There are three basic colors: yellow, raspberry, blue, and basic black and white to achieve by mixing any shade.

Two-color stencil

Color drawing stuffed with one stencil

3. Volumetric stencil

We buy an acrylic putty for walls in a bucket. The consistency of it should be like a soft ice cream or thick sour cream. However, it is usually so it is. And we apply a spatula to a putty layer behind the layer, making the entire surface of the film until it reaches the desired thickness. Too discover drawing will not look beautiful, it is enough to achieve 1-3 mm thickness. (If you want a more voluminous effect, it is worth resorting to the modeling.

Pasty spacure

Spatula We put a putty on stencil

Then we wait exactly one minute. This is enough so that the putty is grabbed, and we remove the film with careful movement!

Volumetric stencil

Unique wall design with stencils

4. Antietrafary

Very beautiful is the image, with the effect of the glow around the main drawing of the same color as the wall. This stencil on the contrary. A transition is glued to the wall, that is, the fact that the ordinary stencil is ejected. Use mandatory glue and paint spray. Spell with a colorful layer as much from the film, how wide the halo will want to get. Be sure to make a trial on paper of the same color as a wall to achieve the desired effect.

Reverse stencil

5. Multicolor multilayer stencil

For him, several films are created from one drawing, each for its color. We work with each in turn, waiting for the paint completely in the previous layer. Stencils we combine by tags made in production. Therefore, the work is simple.

So looks like a multi-layer stencil

Multilayer stencil in the interior looks like painting

Here, in fact, everything I wanted to say about wall stencils. You can also add only the fact that large planes are better to handle together.

Many thanks to Elena for a wonderful, informative article !!


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