The house is a needle with your own hands. Pattern and master class


It is only to read the post and MK will be long ... And there is nothing to sew here))))))

If the routine was tortured you, wait on everything and for the evening to make themselves a small house, in which it always can always be hiding from problems and fuss!

I already have such a thing, I want more!

The house is a needle with your own hands. Pattern and master class

The house is a needle with your own hands. Pattern and master class

In general, this house is good in that it is possible to make it quite simple or more complicated, with many small details or without bottom, with painstaking neat work or in Rag style ... So you can do since I or quite in my own way, bypassing especially difficult Places, he will be good in any option!

1 - Start with the fact that you will take out all the parts from the fabric in the desired quantity. I will make a roof separately from the house, so two halves of the roof + one common part for the inside of the roof was lit. Windows can also be any amount. Do not forget to make a large allowance from the bottom of the parts of the walls, these allowances then form the bottom.

The house is a needle with your own hands. Pattern and master class

2 - sew and turn the pipe part.

The house is a needle with your own hands. Pattern and master class

3 - We take two parts of the roof (halves) and sew on the upper cut, putting the pipe between them.

The house is a needle with your own hands. Pattern and master class

4 - Now stitched part with a pipe with a third part of the roof "face" inside and flash lying.

The house is a needle with your own hands. Pattern and master class

5 - If you make a roof with wavy edges, then you need to handle the edge before turning, so that the festo on the edge of the roof is beautifully turned around. They will make the roof with a straight edge and skip this item.

The house is a needle with your own hands. Pattern and master class

6 - To turn the item, cut the whole part of the across in the middle.

The house is a needle with your own hands. Pattern and master class

So we turn, carefully straighten all the bends, we do it carefully, so that the strings from the allowance do not stretch out.

The house is a needle with your own hands. Pattern and master class

7 - Put the roof and take over the walls. Windows, doors and other small parts can be made by appliqué (in different ways) or simply embroider for example. I chose the applique. Cut the part and on the soft surface "rolling" by the pencil line with a wheel-copier. For this operation, there is a special mat for working with a wheel-copier, it is very expensive, and someday I will have it))) and while I just put down a few layers of rags.

The house is a needle with your own hands. Pattern and master class

Now we take textile adhesive pencils and scroll in those places that we will "lie" the allowances. This temporary fixation glue. After the wheel, the batups are easily bend in the right place and fixed on glue. Two these devices incredibly facilitate the application process (after I tried to refuse them no longer))))

The house is a needle with your own hands. Pattern and master class

8 - Mold details for certain places and sew them very small stitches.

The house is a needle with your own hands. Pattern and master class

9 - After all the small details are sewn, you can add all the decorative seams, and you can not supplement))) I used the seams "Forward needle", "sank", "goat" and "twig".

The house is a needle with your own hands. Pattern and master class

10 - Now sew a house.

The house is a needle with your own hands. Pattern and master class

Soak and deposit decorative lines on side faces.

The house is a needle with your own hands. Pattern and master class

10 - Now a few words about a wooden basis. I had a variant that can be seen in previous photos, but I tried out the house and it seemed rude. Therefore, I made a choice in favor of a suitable button)))

I apologize for the quality of the photo, but nothing can be done ...

The house is a needle with your own hands. Pattern and master class

In order to make the bottom, take a thick cardboard, I pore handed the right size disk for Teddy bears. It is necessary that the disk came into the base for the needle is quite free.

The house is a needle with your own hands. Pattern and master class

11 - fill the needle filler and pull the bottom, putting the disk there.

The house is a needle with your own hands. Pattern and master class

The house is a needle with your own hands. Pattern and master class

12 - Now you need to glue the needle to the base. I hustically smeared the inside of the buttons with glue "Titan", took the house of Scotch and left for the night.

The house is a needle with your own hands. Pattern and master class

13 - The roof is left. Send secret stitches to side triangles and ready.

The house is a needle with your own hands. Pattern and master class

Shave, it's fast and easy. In a reward for the efforts, get a very pretty thing that will decorate your needlework))) Shot with pleasure !!

The house is a needle with your own hands. Pattern and master class

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