11 Original methods of disposal of old T-shirts


11 Original methods of disposal of old T-shirts

The beginning of the new season is the perfect time to revise the wardrobe and the guidance of the order in the closet, in which a couple of old T-shirts will certainly be. Of course, they can be thrown away, pass it into scrap, but you can find them new use. We offer 11 original ways to give old T-shirts to the second life.

1. Avoska for shopping

Avoska for shopping

Avoska for shopping

The ideal option to save the planet is twice. Old T-shirt with light movement of the hand will turn into an excellent avoska for shopping products in the supermarket. Even sewing nothing needs, it is enough to make a couple of cuts.

2. Headband



The original headband will become an excellent alternative to the hoop. Support scissors and adhesive gun.

3. Scarf


Take an old T-shirt, cutting it and turn into a fashionable scarf. Design options Mass - and braids, and fringe.

4. Yarn

11 Original methods of disposal of old T-shirts

We remember grandmothers who have nothing disappeared, and cut a T-shirt on long strips. Fashion on the ribbon yarn returned again.

5. Skirt

Skirt from T-shirts

Skirt from T-shirts

Of the several T-shirts there will be a great summer skirt.

6. Bracelets

11 Original methods of disposal of old T-shirts


We cut the old T-shirt on ribbons and weave from them multicolored bracelets.

7. Toys for pets

11 Original methods of disposal of old T-shirts

Toys for pets

Old cotton T-shirts are excellent material for toys with which they will be happy to play and cats, and dogs.

8. floor mats

Rugs on the floor

Rugs on the floor

Remember grandmasters and sliced ​​yarn make a nice pad on the floor. You can connect it with a crochet, but you can weave from the ribbon a long braid, and then lay out it, giving the right shape, and sew.

9. Pomponon

11 Original methods of disposal of old T-shirts

From multicolored T-shirts will be wonderful decorations, pumps. They will suit both for the decoration of the interior and for decorating clothing.

10. Pillows


Old T-shirts with interesting drawings and patterns can be turned into stylish sofa pillows.

11. Rajki

11 Original methods of disposal of old T-shirts

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