35 essential councils for the kitchen


35 essential councils for the kitchen
Rust from the plate will disappear if it wipes her surface with hot vegetable oil.

If you cut the adhesive tablecloth, then cover the place of the cut on both sides with a colorless nail polish. Core will not be visible.

The cooler on which you are going to grasp cheese, lubricate with vegetable oil. From this cheese will not be glued, and the grater is easier to wash.

If it smells unpleasantly in the kitchen, pour some table vinegar in the pan and hold the frying pan on the weak heat until the vinegar evaporates.

Fat stains on the kitchen cooker can be cleaned if you sprinkle with a hot plate with salt and rub with paper.

To remove dried spots, they use a drinking soda, then wipe with water with ammonia alcohol (a few drops per cup).

To grasp garlic slice and do not scratch your hands, we advise you to impose a sheet of cellophane on the grater and rub the garlic through it. This method has another dignity: the chopped garlic remains on the film, without cloging the grater.

Wipe the new table jelly with a mixture of vinegar and milk (in half), it will protect it from cracks.

The grater will again become sharp if it wipes it with sandpaper.

A little salt placed in a tightly closing bread, protects bread from mold.

You can easily and simply replace the mayonnaise sour cream, adding a sprinkged egg and a teaspoon of mustard into it.

If you put a slice of carrot or lemon under the cover of jars with mustard or on a slice sausage, both products will keep your freshness for a long time.

Highly polluted places in the oven watches the ammonia alcohol and leave for the night - in the morning dirt outlets with the help of ordinary washcloth.

If the knives at the meat grinder fumbled: dried crushers and scroll through them through the meat grinder. As a result, get breadcrumbs for the kitlet, and the knives will sharpen.

If a "outsider" the smell appeared in the thermos - not a misfortune: put a couple of rice spoons in it, pour with water and shake well several times. Then rinse with hot water.

If you are going to use ice for drinks and cocktails, put a berry of cherries into each cell of the bath (from a compote or jam) or any other berry. Fill with fruit water and put in the freezer. Such cubes look very impressive.

The location of the cut not used completely bulbs. Lubricate with any fat - onions will save freshness and nutritional properties.

If you add a little milk to sour cream, it will not turn into a sublifting.

To protect the open tomato paste from mold, you need to apply a little dry mustard on the cover.

The remaining tomato paste can be removed from mold by sprinkling her shallow salt and bay with vegetable oil.

Faded vegetables (greens) can be refreed by dipping them first in hot water, and then in cold.

Boxes in the kitchen tables often begin to move with difficulty. It is enough to wipe the side surfaces of the box with a candle and this trouble will disappear.

When you boil potatoes in the uniform, the peel is sometimes bursting. To do this, add a few drops of vinegar to the water.

Washing in vinegar, kvass, acid milk, cucumber, cabbage or beet brine - a reliable way to make hard meat soft.

Fish can be two-two saved fresh without refrigerator. Cut it out and sprout outside and inside a large salt, and then wrap in a clean rag, moistened with a slightly sweetened vinegar (1-2 slicer of sugar on floor-liter vinegar).

So that the cabbage in a saucepan is not burned in stewing, put the cover of a smaller cover on the bottom of the pan, with a pitch, diameter with a handle. Put cabbage leaves on the cover, and they are cabbage rolls.

To cutlets, fish, meat or pancakes do not stick to the frying pan, you need to grasp the raw egg protein.

To cook a delicious milk porridge, it is necessary to remember that the cereals from solid grains (rice, millet, pearfall) swell in milk and sharpen more slowly than in water. Therefore, it is better to boil them in water, and then adding hot milk, bring to readiness.

Fans of dishes prepared in a Russian oven can prepare them in the oven gas stove. To do this, it needs to be a little easier: to put in one of several bricks (desirable refractory). The oven is heated, after which they turn off and put a pan in it. High temperatures lasts a few hours.

In the open pot of cooking, up to 20 percent of vitamins is lost, and in a closed no more than 5 percent

To get more juice from Lemon, before squeeze, put it in hot water for 5 minutes.

If the started lemon began to fall asleep, lower it into cold water. He will not only retain freshness, but it will become more

Do not throw out seeds from sweet pepper when cooking. Collect them and dry. In winter, they can be added to food. Seeds, by the way, contain more useful substances than the pepper itself and give the dishes a wonderful fragrance. You can also deal with all spicy seeds.

The resulting cortical cork for thermos can be replaced by foam, wrapped with polyethylene film. Such a traffic jam does not swell and keeps warm well.

To facilitate the cleaning of eggs after cooking, add a little salt into the water during cooking.

35 essential councils for the kitchen

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