Fastening outdoor baseboards in the apartment of women's hands: master class


Fastening outdoor baseboards in the apartment of women's hands: master class

Hello, lovely women who, by what circumstances remain without male attention and care. With you again, I, Lyudmila. The travelers of men, if you find mistakes in my work, please correct me. Thanks to grateful. And more: I work again without gloves, as some men try to reproach me in this, without believing that work and publications belong to me.

Well, it's not convenient for me to work in them, I don't feel the material at hand in them ... Sometimes I just forget to wear them, it's so fascinating on my own something useful ... and my manicure is on my fingers, and rings ... maybe it Women's raisin is so. You do the work "not feminine" and at the same time you do not forget that you are a wonderful half of humanity !!! Great, right?! You read sometimes comments from men and diva are given !!! Instead of the Giva Council to give on this publication, they are indignant about the manicure and rings on the fingers !!! Well, we will not be distracted, proceed.

Today it will be about installing floor plinths in the apartment.

Fastening outdoor baseboards in the apartment of women's hands: master class

For this, we will need such accessories and tools ...

Fastening outdoor baseboards in the apartment of women's hands: master class

Fastening outdoor baseboards in the apartment of women's hands: master class

Take the plinth, take out the cable channel plug from it ...

Fastening outdoor baseboards in the apartment of women's hands: master class

Sometimes there are already ready-made openings for fasteners on the plinths, in my case they are not. Therefore, I will drill them myself, where it will be convenient for me. For example, we measure the distance of the wall to the door slope, we cut the plinth of the desired size with a plastic stouch with a saw

Fastening outdoor baseboards in the apartment of women's hands: master class

In the wall, drill holes for fastening the plinth, with the help of such an electric journey with a tip (drone) with a win-head head.

Fastening outdoor baseboards in the apartment of women's hands: master class

In my case, I apply it, because the walls are brick and concrete. When I was repaired in my house in the village, I just fucked the plinth by self-reserves, without drilling. Jooked further ... Drilling ...

Fastening outdoor baseboards in the apartment of women's hands: master class

We clean the vacuum cleaner all this dust ...

It is more convenient to drill holes with a plinth and insert a dowel into the drilled holes ...

Fastening outdoor baseboards in the apartment of women's hands: master class

Then we dress the cap the side on the plinth, we apply it to the wall, comparing the holes of both and ...

Fastening outdoor baseboards in the apartment of women's hands: master class

Screw the screws with scolding until I stop ...

Fastening outdoor baseboards in the apartment of women's hands: master class

After the entire plinth attached to the wall, you can wear a cable cap over the entire length of the baseline channel.

Fastening outdoor baseboards in the apartment of women's hands: master class

That's what I did in the end ...

Fastening outdoor baseboards in the apartment of women's hands: master class

Fastening outdoor baseboards in the apartment of women's hands: master class

Now, with regard to the corners ... everything is the same scenario.

Fastening outdoor baseboards in the apartment of women's hands: master class

Remove the channel plug from two plinths, attach to them (internal) corner, apply to the wall, place, drill, screw ...

If you have not enough plinth for the entire length of the wall, there are special connecting devices for docking the edges of the plinths among themselves

Fastening outdoor baseboards in the apartment of women's hands: master class

I want to add if the wall is concrete and dry it is very difficult, you can use not a bad way, more lightly-glue the plinth to the wall with the "liquid nails" glue.

Well, now and everything that I wanted to suggest to view and use (who needs to be repaired). It's a kitchen, it has all the corners internal. When I will mount the plinth in the hallway and the corridor, I will definitely share with you, how to make an outdoor corner and left and right plugs. Good healthy to your new meetings.

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