How to tie pompon crocheted for finishing the edge of the product


Obvjazka Pomponami Krjuchkom
Kak Svjazat 'Pompony Krjuchkom Dlja Otdelki Kraja Izdelija

How to tie pompon crocheted for finishing the edge of the product

Pompons are different. The most common type of pumps, which and for caps are used, and for the decoration of pillows, and the rugs are made of them, and all sorts of crafts from Topiarias to toys are pumps from yarn made using a cardboard pattern or other devices.

There are also pumps obtained by tightening stretched threads on the lum. In this way, you can weave the plaid, scarves, napkins and other products.

Pompon can be hooked as a small ball.

But for the strapping of the edge of products, such knitted hook pumps - the balls are not suitable, because they need to be much and sewing each separately it would be uncomfortable.

For such cases there is another very simple way.

Binding edge with crochet MK

We will make the strapping from the chains of air loops and cishechs from the columns with Nakud.

Depending on the thickness of the yarn and the location of the pumps closer or farther from the edge, the number of loops and columns may be different.

For my scarf, I knit like this:

I attached a thread to the edge and scored 7 VP.


Next, you need to tie a bump of 5 -th columns with one nakid.

We make a campaign, enter the hook in the 6th loop of the chain, pull the loop.

Vvodim Krjuchok V 6-JU Petlju

Nakid, Vytjanut 'Petlju

Another Nakid, Introduce the hook in the same 6th loop of the chain, pull the loop. It has already formed 3 hinges.

Tri Petli Na Krjuchke

Again the nakid, pull another loop.

Chetyre Petli Na Krjuchke

We repeat two more times.



On the hook, we eventually have 6 loops. Now they see all of them together.

Provjazyvaem Petli VMeste.

To form a pompon, you need to tie another such chisch.

Knit one air loop and in it we will enter the hook when knitting the second link.

DVE Shishechki.

Now both bubbles connect together by entering the hook to the base of the first bubble.

Soedinjaem Dve Shishechki VMeste

We put pompon with your hands so that it acquires the volume and beautiful shape.

Malen'Kij Pompon Krjuchkom.

Next, knit a chain of 5 air loops and attach it to the edge of the product.

Soedinitel'Naja Cepochka.

Pompon Dlja Obvjazki Kraja Izdelija

In this way, we continue to strain the edge of the crochet pompous.

Obvjazka Pomponami Krjuchkom

Where to use a bugger bugger bubble

How to knit pompons with a crochet for strapping the edge, we found out, and you can use such a kaym for decorating not only scarves, but also the plaids, as I said, pillows, curtains, lambrequins, tablecloths, towels, puffs.

If the product is not knitted, but textile, then you need to bind the edge of some border crochet, which complete the pompons.

If the Kaima needs to be inserted into the product, as in the photo of the pillows, the edges of which are decorated with pompons, then you must first connect separately from 2-3rd rows of columns without a nakid, then a row with pomposami, sew a border to the wrong side of one part of the product and then Sew the product connecting two parts of it.

Shtora s otdelkoj pomponami

Obvjazka Kraja Pleda Pomponami

Oformlenie Podushek Pomponami.

Podushka S Kajmoj Iz Vjazanyh Pomponov

And in this pillow (this is an idea from the Internet, not mine!) Used the same knitted motive and the same color as in the pillow, which I recently knitted. Well, how can I stay and do not create such a charm?

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