Alteration of the chest do it yourself


Doodle DIY Dresser

In this article we will show how easy it is possible. Decorate the stencil normal chest of drawers Under the name of the lexvik from Ikea. And how much the result is obtained.

Materials for alteration of the chest do it yourself
The authors decided to do the minimum auxiliary Materials . They took only (except for the stencil and paint) a sponge for washing dishes and a disposable plate.

That is, we need only for work:

  • chest of drawers,
  • stencil,
  • sponge,
  • plate,
  • paint,
  • Malyary Scotch (his necessity has already found out during the work).

The idea of ​​the authors was such a noble Pattern under the antique in the dresser It was very visible. Therefore, the authors took the paint almost in the tree, but metallic to slightly glistened. The choice fell on bronze antique series Decolor.

Paint bronze antique for donating chest with their own hands

This dresser has 7 boxes and 11 handles on them. The surface of the chest around the handles authors and took to decorate the stencil "laurel wreath."

For convenience, the authors first died all these handles.

Chest up to remake with your own hands using stencil
The chest prepared for the alteration with their own hands unscrewed handles

And, for the sake of the experiment, the time was segged to understand how quickly they could process all these eleven handles.

Started. We apply stencil to the desired place, hold one hand. In the other hand - a sponge. Write movements apply paint. Do not forget: the paints should be quite a bit, otherwise it will pass under the stencil!

At first the authors kept stencil by hand, but it turned out quite uncomfortable.

Holding a stencil with hand we appline a drawing on the chest

Although hold the stencil with your hand and quite real, but quite troublesome. We must carefully ensure that the stencil does not move. Therefore, we have made a small adjustment: two pieces of painting scotch. As a result, it became completely simple and easy to work: the hands are free, the stencil is reliably assigned. Of course, the aerosol glue would be even more convenient, but the scotch was already available, so for free.

Apply paint to the chest through the stencil attached scotch

Having finished decorating all eleven handles, the authors looked at the clock. It took less than half an hour.

At the same time, they did not hurry, they did everything carefully and even put the paint in two layers to be better visible.

It is incredible, but all 11 pens they lay less than half an hour.

And here is a truly brilliant result! It was not very simple to take a picture, because the idea was a noble pattern under ancient, almost imperceptible, nonsense. Therefore, it was necessary to shoot at a large angle.

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