Tips for real hosts


Tips for real hosts
In the water in which rice is boiled, pour the tablespoon of vinegar - and the rice will become snow-white, crumbly.

• Vinegret will acquire a subtle and pleasant taste if you pour 1 tbsp in it. Milk and add 1 tsp. Sahara.

• pinch of salt, added in coffee before the end of the cooking, gives the drink a special taste and aroma.

• If you add a little milk to sour cream, it will not turn into a sublifting.

• Cabbage for filling, charging, first hide with boiling water, and then pour with cold water for a minute. Pretch peel and roast in a frying pan. Then the cabbage will not lose color, will not become brown.

Tips for real hosts

Tips for real hosts

• In the water in which rice is boiled, pour the tablespoon of vinegar - and the rice will become snow-white, crumbly.

• Vinegret will acquire a subtle and pleasant taste if you pour 1 tbsp in it. Milk and add 1 tsp. Sahara.

• pinch of salt, added in coffee before the end of the cooking, gives the drink a special taste and aroma.

• If you add a little milk to sour cream, it will not turn into a sublifting.

• Cabbage for filling, charging, first hide with boiling water, and then pour with cold water for a minute. Pretch peel and roast in a frying pan. Then the cabbage will not lose color, will not become brown.

• 2 Sugar slicer, pre-dissolved in a small amount of vinegar, can be replaced in white wine in sauce.

• In order for rice to be white and crumbly, fall asleep it without fail in boiling salted water, adding a few drops of lemon juice or dissolved in water citric acid. Do not cover the dishes in which rice is brewed.

• To protect an open tomato paste from mold, you need to apply a bit of dry mustard on the cover.

• To preserve taste, flavor and colors of fresh berries during cooking jelly, juice juice is not boiling. Boil only poured with water pressed berries and add sugar and starch to the resulting syrup. Pour juice into finished cook when it is removed from the fire.

• Beets are brewed for a very long time - 3-3.5 hours. And you can only boil it for an hour, then remove from the fire and put for 10 minutes under a stream of cold water. Beet will be ready.

• So that the pickled cucumbers are crusting, add Amarant herb leaves to the banks.

• You can easily and simply replace the mayonnaise sour cream, adding into it a gripped yolk cooked by screwing eggs and a teaspoon of mustard.

• So that the window is sparkling, wash it with water with the addition of starch. The frozen window can be cleaned with the help of a salt salt. Matte glasses wash hot water with the addition of vinegar.

Tips for real hosts

• Decorate the refrigerator every 3 weeks. To do this, remove all the products, then disconnect the refrigerator from the power grid, leave the doors open. Ice and snow should melt yourself, do not speed up this process with a knife. Refrigerator Wash the drinking soda solution (on 1 liter of water 1 tablespoon of soda), wipe with a soft cloth, and when dry, turn on the network again and put it in it.

• In order for painted floors to glisten, they can be washed with water with ammonia alcohol (1-2 tablespoons on the water bucket). The ammonia alcohol gives the paint shine. It is impossible to wash the floor with soap and soda - from them the oil paint dirty.

• So that the carpets serve for a long time, you need to correctly care for them. Carpet is better to clean with a vacuum cleaner 1-2 times a week. If there is no vacuum cleaner, get a separate carpet, not too hard broom.

• Dust and contamination with lacquered and polished furniture surfaces in no case should be removed by a wet cloth or hot water. Wipe the furniture is needed soft, dry and clean flannel, cloth or special wipe.

• To make scratches on furniture less noticeable, take a small brush, moisten it in a weak solution of iodine and wipe the scratches.

• White spots can be on polished tables from hot objects. They can be removed as follows. The stain is rubbed a piece of paraffin with wax, covered with pasteing paper and pressed a hot iron. If the spot will not reach the first time, this reception is repeated. Then carefully wipe the table with a soft cloth, and the polishing will be restored.

• To keep things from moths, moisten the wool tampon in kerosene and laid it into the coat, in the header or collar.

• Wash the bath or shell after cold water immediately hot or vice versa - should not. From the unequal expansion of the material from which these items are made, and the enamels on the enameled coating are formed cracks, then they are black.

• Several tiles bounced off the wall in the bathroom. Clean them from cement, lubricate oils of leaks or any oil paint and press it tightly: the tile will be very firmly.

• If a gap was formed on the ceiling or walls, take liquid carpentry, add to it tooth powder or finely grated chalk. This magazine makes a gap. After a day, the mask harden.

• Doing repair, keep in mind that the room looks higher if the wallpaper is pasted without a gap to the ceiling itself.

• Flooding on wallpaper is eliminated if they are tightly stigled by a slightly heated iron.

• Floors covered with linoleum are washed with warm water without adding soda - shine is lost from it, the color is discolored. From time to time, linoleum is useful to rub. For this, special pastes "turpentine", "Self-flask", "emulsion" will be suitable.

• For washing the mirrors, it is possible to prepare the composition: 1 glass of water, 1 tablespoon of vinegar, 20 g of chalk (or chalk-based dental), all mix and boil. Give to settle. Pure liquid merge into a bottle, and if necessary, wipe the mirror.

• Glasses will be blissing if the kerosene is added to the water (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water).

• To avoid fogging windows in winter, it is necessary to rub the glass with a rag, moistened with a solution of 1 of the purified glycerol and 20 parts of the alcohol.

• Wash or wipe the glasses should not less than once a month. Glasses, grated with a mixture of 3 parts of water, 7 parts of glycerol and several drops of ammonia, dirty smaller.

• In order for in the refrigerator, there was no unpleasant odors, its inner part should be washed less than two times a month with warm water with the addition of drinking soda (the tablespoon per 1 liter of water), and then wipe and ventured for half an hour.

• Rust can be derived using hydrogen peroxide mixed with 10% of ammonia alcohol.

• Copper products are well cleaned raw potatoes.

• If a new broom is lowered into hot salted water or soak in salted water for 2-3 hours, it will last longer.

• The broom was embarrassing. Hold it a few minutes above the saucepan with boiling water - it will become like a new one.

• To avoid unpleasant smell in the cabinets, put natural ground coffee there. You can get rid of the specific smell of the breadbox by washing with a solution of vinegar. To prevent unpleasant odor in the refrigerator, it is washed with a solution of vinegar or food soda, wipe and ventilated.

• To remove the net on the burners, learn them on high heat. Do not forget to open the window!

• So that the kitchen towels are easier to be detached, soam them before washing in warm water, after adding a few vinegar to it.

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