The guy gave his wife a mechanical flower that blooms when touched


For Valentine's Day, Jirja presented his wife a mechanical flower, which blooms when touched and glows with different colors.

The guy gave his wife a mechanical flower that blooms when touched

"Ready! Mechanical tulip as a gift to my wife. It blooms and glows with different colors from touch. And he will never start," the guy wrote in his twitter.

It is worth touching the flower sheet, as he immediately flourishes, lighting in different colors.

Flower mechanism

The guy gave his wife a mechanical flower that blooms when touched

According to the site only in the United States on flowers on Valentine's Day is spent about $ 3 billion

The guy gave his wife a mechanical flower that blooms when touched

And the most popular flower is certainly a rose

The guy gave his wife a mechanical flower that blooms when touched

But Jiri Praous did not trivial and made a tulip

The guy gave his wife a mechanical flower that blooms when touched

Tulip was not chosen by chance, because these flowers continue to open and close even after cutting

The guy gave his wife a mechanical flower that blooms when touched

Glowing, flower casts the shadow in the form of a beautiful web pattern on the walls. As the guy admitted, this effect was not scheduled initially

The guy gave his wife a mechanical flower that blooms when touched

Despite the fact that the flower can give a multitude of different colors, only 3 LEDs are installed in it: blue, green and red

The guy gave his wife a mechanical flower that blooms when touched

LEDs are connected to the microcontroller that they control

The guy gave his wife a mechanical flower that blooms when touched

The microcontroller can turn off one or more LEDs to create beautiful colors mixtures, such as purple

The guy gave his wife a mechanical flower that blooms when touched

In complete darkness with all the included LEDs

The guy gave his wife a mechanical flower that blooms when touched

In one of his tweets, Jiří compared a flower with jewelry

The guy gave his wife a mechanical flower that blooms when touched

What is also a popular gift for Valentine's Day

The guy gave his wife a mechanical flower that blooms when touched

Flower in daylight

The guy gave his wife a mechanical flower that blooms when touched

For those who are interested to look at the electronic stamens and pestles of this flower

The guy gave his wife a mechanical flower that blooms when touched

Small board with microchip and small engine

The guy gave his wife a mechanical flower that blooms when touched

Board and micromotor feed from the usual USB cord

The guy gave his wife a mechanical flower that blooms when touched

Production of "Buton"

The guy gave his wife a mechanical flower that blooms when touched

The guy gave his wife a mechanical flower that blooms when touched

Before the introduction of the electrical component

The guy gave his wife a mechanical flower that blooms when touched

The main bunch of LEDs

The guy gave his wife a mechanical flower that blooms when touched

And here is the proud inventor of the mechanical flower JIRGI PRUS

The guy gave his wife a mechanical flower that blooms when touched

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