Crochet Machine Embroidery: Types, Detailed Description of Implementation Technique: Master Class


A very interesting decorative embroidery with a crochet has another such name - a hook-embroidery. This is because the main seam is a seam chain. This embroidery is often used to decorate various folk costumes. This method produces a finish of rich wedding dresses and famous Indian sari. Take a look at the photo, what beauty.

An ordinary needle for embroidery replaces a special thin hook with a strongly pointed head. This is provided in order to facilitate the process of piercing tissues. With this hook, the craftswoman stretches through the cloth the working thread and thus creates a chain of cam stitches. Embroidery in such an old way, in such a technique, you can freely use rhinestones, beads, sequins, silver and gold threads. You can use for embroidery as transparent and thin fabrics and more dense and coarse. On those tissues that are thinner, and on grids, the tambour embroidery looks unusually fascinating and exquisitely, while reminds us very expensive lace. Dense tissues are used, which can withstand massive works saturated with beads and ejected sequins and rhinestones. Embroidery is made simultaneously with two hands, for this, the fabric is necessarily thoroughly stretched into special tapestry frames or refuel into the hoop on the stand so that the craftswomen's hands are free to the embroidery process.

If you briefly describe the easiest process in crochet, it will look like this:

  • Prepared fabric with embroidery pattern is gently tightened in the chambers, and the tangle with the thread is under the hoop.
  • The hook is introduced into the fabric necessarily with the front side, strictly vertically, relative to the fabric, at the beginning of the pattern line. Then pick up the working thread and pull the hook from the loop on the front side.
  • Without removing the loop from the hook, pierce the fabric over the line of our pattern at a stitch distance from the first puncture made, stretch on the front side and the second loop and so on.
  • Here is this method, the seam with the type of chain is stacked along the pattern line. On the invalion side will turn out a flattened strict seam.
We will deal with more details with materials that are used in embroidery in crochet and in the methods of performing a tambourine.

The fabric that we will use for embroidery with a crochet, first fill in the hoop on the stand or stretch to a special frame. The drawing on the fabric is transferred using copy paper, special stencils or easily washed markers.

Wide opportunities allow us to embroidery to use a wide variety of threads, and silk, and cotton, thin and coarsest, in accordance with the fabric-base thickness. It became possible to use metallized threads, silver and gold sewing, which turns work into real works of art.

In a tambourine embroidery, it is possible to use a huge amount of various kinds of decorative elements. At the same time, the finishing materials are in advance to the working thread. When used in the bead embroidery, the chain of our tambourine lies on the wrong side of the product, and all the decorative elements used are located on the front side of the work. With this method, the bead fastening decreases the time spent on performing this work, if compared with the time spent on the sewing needle. The labor process is accelerated.

The main tool for tambourine embroidery using beads is a very thin hook. Its main task is a light passage through the cloth, without damaging the thread, and spreading them, and hard to hold the working thread while stretching the loops. Therefore, in contrast to a conventional knitting hook, this tool has a pretty sharp tip. On the embroidery hook handle there is a special pointer in order to determine the location of the slot of the tongue. It helps and beginning and more experienced embroiderers to control a strong and reliable capture, as well as the holding of the working thread when laying the seam chain.

Detailed technique for performing a cam seam crochet:

  • Before the start of work, a large nodule should be tied at the end of the working thread. The hook is taking at a right angle to the fabric from above, and the embroidery thread will be supplied from the bottom, from the wrong side. When the first mine is already elongated, it is necessary to lengthen the working thread in such a way that our, tied earlier knot, moves more densely to the base, thereby fixing and fixing at the beginning of work thread. Keep the thread with your left hand, and the hook - in the right. It should be done very carefully puncture, spreading the thread of the fabric bases, then lower the hook down. In this case, the slide to capture will be located on the left. We will throw the thread on the hook and, try to provide as much as possible tension with your fingers of the left hand, then turn the hook around your axis, make a complete turn counterclockwise.
  • Pull the native loop on the front side of our work and again turn the tool, but already clockwise. We again pierce the fabric and capture the working thread.

    Making consistently punctures, capture the threads and turns of our hook, a certain chain of stitches of a tambourine is built. If we do not turn the tool, then his slot will constantly chain and tear the bases of the base, as well as spoil the working thread.

  • To reliably fasten the thread at the very beginning of the work serves the veneer nodule. And at the end of the line, the working thread is displayed on the wrong side and insert the chain of several loops, and only then cut the thread. The length of the stitches in the tambour seam can be very different, but always uniform when performing each element.

When working with beads, the stitch length cannot exceed the size of the beery itself to prevent the finished product and tightening the finished product and not get the rareered pattern with perturbing threads, which may look ugly. Using for the work of such finishing materials as rhinestones, beads, sequins and more, the working thread must be very durable, thin and have a degree of twist. The thread color should not be contrasting.

Tour stitch using hook makes it possible to perform various work with filling of very large areas. It is not difficult to master it, and for those who are already familiar with other ways of embroidery, and for just novice needlewomen. Such embroidery technique has long been used to decorate clothing, manufacturing textiles, towers and carpets in many nations.

This type of creative work is very multifaceted and is very popular.

Without paying attention to the seeming complexity and painstability of interesting techniques in crochet, even a beginner embroidery will be able to master it with a sufficient desire using detailed master classes. Happy viewing!

Crochet Machine Embroidery: Types, Detailed Description of Implementation Technique: Master Class
Crochet Machine Embroidery: Types, Detailed Description of Implementation Technique: Master Class
Crochet Machine Embroidery: Types, Detailed Description of Implementation Technique: Master Class
Crochet Machine Embroidery: Types, Detailed Description of Implementation Technique: Master Class

Crochet Machine Embroidery: Types, Detailed Description of Implementation Technique: Master Class

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