10 reasons why soda can replace all cosmetic


10 ways to use soda instead of familiar cosmetics

Women want to take care of themselves and look well maintained in any conditions. Despite age, season, weather outside the window or financial instability. After all, even at the time of deep crises, the beautiful Paul remained myself and found ways to maintain beauty. So today, the ever-increasing army of the fans of a healthy lifestyle assures: it is not necessary to climb the shelves in a honeycomb of a hundred cosmetics. It is enough to find a pair of "universal fighters": multifunctional, efficient and without chemistry. Did you know that a spear pack of soda is able to replace the campaign to the beauty salon?

Pamper yourself with another cream, scrub or bath foam is always nice. But it is not quite appropriate when "finances sing romances." Or when you seriously and for a long time tuned to zoom, carefully read the compositions and try to avoid unnecessary chemistry and oil refining products. But you can take care of yourself and need. Moreover, there are well-budget and safe analogues of the renewable funds. Thousands of bloggers around the world are convinced: the pack of soda is able to replace the whole cosmetics of leaving products. Check out this point of view, trying to make soda based ...

1. Safe deodorant

10 ways to use soda instead of familiar cosmetics

Soda has a unique property to neutralize any unpleasant odor. Evidence coming from clothes, food in the refrigerator or human armpits. And she has several significant advantages over the usual antipersperant: Soda is not able to cause allergies and leaves no spots on clothes. So you will not lose anything, having tried to saddle designers: just mix 4 tablespoons of soda and one tablespoon of water to the state of creamy paste. Optionally, add a couple of droplets of essential oil for a pleasant fragrance. Keep in any can from the cream, apply clean hands or cosmetic brush. Note: No harmful substances and carcinogens.

2. Teeth bleach

10 ways to use soda instead of familiar cosmetics

Today in any pharmacy is not difficult to find a polyroller for teeth or bleaching emulsion. But most of these funds (especially, with a moderate price tag) there is a significant minus: with long use they can damage enamel, provoke sensitivity of teeth or gums. Try "Babushkina" alternative: immerse a wet toothbrush in soda and for 3-4 minutes with neat circular motions "polish" teeth. After rinse your mouth with water and take advantage of the toothpaste, as usual. Repeat twice a week. This will help gradually clarify enamel without side effects.

3. Cleansing shampoo

10 ways to use soda instead of familiar cosmetics

Sometimes an ordinary shampoo is not enough to rinse the hair from styling or oil-based masks. In order not to walk later all day with a clean, but "greasy" head, add a teaspoon of soda to the shampoo. Cleans, as they like to say beauty bloggers, to the squeak. One "But": This trick may be useless in combination with a deeply moisturizing shampoo with a large amount of oils.

4. Manicure set

10 ways to use soda instead of familiar cosmetics

All these manipulations with cut-down cuticle at home can be painful and potentially dangerous. If you are not a supporter of the idea that beauty does require victims, better limit the simpler, but effective solution. Make a special polyrolular paste for manicure, mixing three portions of soda and one portion of water. Clean tassel for varnish or even a dry toothbrush apply a means to nails with circular motions. After riding the hands with warm water. The soda will slightly clarify the nails, polishes them, will make visually smaller, healthier and will prepare for the subsequent application of varnish.

5. Acne remedy

10 ways to use soda instead of familiar cosmetics

In order to dry up urgent and "calm" rashes, mix the soda with water to the state of the paste and apply point to the desired sections. In the morning, rinse the remnants of the means with water.

6. Cleansing and soothing bath

10 ways to use soda instead of familiar cosmetics

Improve yourself with a useful water procedure, adding Soda Stalls in a warm bath and having stirred it thickened. This will help reassure any irritation on the skin, whether it is cuts from shaving, sunburns or insect bites. And just effectively clean your body.

7. Means for removing artificial sunbathing

10 ways to use soda instead of familiar cosmetics

A little bit overwhelmed with the bronzer and got orange stains all over the body? Complete beauty problem. Do not wait painfully until the tool is melted. All the same recipe: three portions of soda and one portion of water. Gently intersect all orange areas and rinse with water.

8. Face scrub

10 ways to use soda instead of familiar cosmetics

You may be surprised, but budget soda is used for a number of cleansing procedures even in expensive SPA salons. Take one of them for service: make a scrub for a face, mixing one teaspoon of soda with one tablespoon of a non-residential honey. Carefully, on massage lines, massage the face, leave for two minutes and rinse with water room temperature. This will help clean the skin from dead cells, black dots and oily shine. At the same time honey will have a softening effect and improve the complexion.

9. Soften Corn and Natoptyshi

10 ways to use soda instead of familiar cosmetics

From time to time, everything is faced with these troubles. It is sometimes difficult to deal with the cornea. But you will have a good service, making a bath for palms or legs, having stirred two tablespoons of soda in water. Fold at least five minutes, after wrapping dry and treat corn with a scrub: 60% - food soda, 20% - water and 20% - brown sugar. After rinsing, apply moisturizing cream and wrap your palms or feet in a towel for five minutes to keep moisture.

10. Soothe cuts and irritation from shaving

10 ways to use soda instead of familiar cosmetics

Especially in the delicate bikini zone. An unpleasant red dots will leave your body faster and stop disturbing if you mix the tablespoon of soda in a glass of water and apply a mixture to irritated skin. Wait until complete drying (on average, five minutes), solid the body with cool water. And be beautiful.

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