7 hidden possibilities of deodorant that will get rid of small inconveniences


7 hidden, but very useful features of deodorant

As if in the trend now there was no struggle for naturalness (from cosmetics exclusively with the console "Eco" to completely ignoring shaving from both sexes), no one is going to refuse deodorants. And not in vain. Especially since they can be used not enough. After all, except that those surrounding will not try to unobtrusively move away from you far away, the usual desolation will help you easily solve another bunch of small trouble. And all this is accompanied by a pleasant fragrance.

7 hidden, but very useful features of deodorant

Do you think deodorants harm the environment? Do not use aerosols. But from the means in stick or with a ball applicator It is not worth refusing, even if you are an ardent defender of nature. Just carefully read the compositions, well, do not hesitate to squeeze all possible benefits from the dish. For example, use it to ...

1. calm the creaky door

7 hidden, but very useful features of deodorant

Tired of waking up from the tube of the door, how in a cheap horror movie? So it's time to smear the loop. And if there is no suitable tool at hand, the sleeve bloggers advise the use of deodorant. It works as a lubricant, but the procedure will have to repeat often. Or buy, finally, oil.

2. Having itching from the bite of insects

7 hidden, but very useful features of deodorant

No one loves mosquito bites. If the hands are still drawn to combing stains, it is better to process the place of bite of a solid deodorant. Aluminum salts in the composition will effectively remove irritation and itching.

3. Avoid calluses from new shoes

7 hidden, but very useful features of deodorant

Do not have time to cut shoes at home? Then it is better to be restrained. Before you worry, slip the feet with cool water, wipe carefully, and all potentially problem areas (heel, bones, a little finger) Lubricate the firm deodorant. It will help to avoid both sweating, and unnecessary slip. So the skin is more likely to remain a whole.

4. Refresh the wardrobe

7 hidden, but very useful features of deodorant

Even a solid deodorant can work as a freshener. Just open it and leave in the corner of the cabinet. A good idea how to use Dez, when it remains quite a bit.

5. Extend the life of Makeup

7 hidden, but very useful features of deodorant

If your oily leather and makeup "runs down" all the time during the day, there is a way to keep it on the spot with the help of remedies. After you have finished climbing, dial a little deodorant with your finger and put it on the T-zone with light pattering movements. This will help reduce the production of Cemum and "Save Face" for the whole day.

6. Reduce foot sweating

7 hidden, but very useful features of deodorant

To solve and prevent this not the most pleasant features, overnight, after the shower, apply a thin layer of transparent (roller) deodorant to the feet. The effect should be enough for the entire subsequent day.

7. Squeeze into narrow jeans

7 hidden, but very useful features of deodorant

The most extravagant way, but some bloggers recommend it from their own experience. Roller deodorant walk along the foot line and hollow, and while it is not back, try to pack yourself in narrow jeans. Interesting, will work?

7 hidden, but very useful features of deodorant

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