Save to survive: how to live a week, feeding the only chicken


Money depreciated. Revenues decreased. Products and services housing and communal services rose. People need to survive and not everyone turns out. Therefore, the first thing that comes to mind is the idea that it is time to reduce costs.

For myself, found the following solutions:

Chicpes need to cut off the wings and legs, breast separately, skeleton in half. From half a skeleton (lower part with a ruin) and wings cook 2.5 liters of broth and make soup. This is 4 days for 2 people. When it is over - from the second half repeat the process. Total soup for a week. These are lunches. But dinner. Hergkulka share in half. A half cut into small cubes and together with vegetables cheaper to carry in stew. One day. The second part is fought off, cuts and done as Beefstrogen, the sauce is more (thickening flour) - two more days. From the legs (one) cut the meat, finely cut and make pilaf with 2 rice glasses - another 2 days. The second leg cut into three parts, stew with tomato and cilantro - chahokhbili. Garinics choose potatoes, cabbage, noodles - cheap. And one day Vegetarian dinner - Dianci, Napshevo, fried potatoes with a low-headed cucumber. TOTAL - chicken for a week.

How to live a week, feeding the only chicken.

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