How to make a new yarn from the remains of old do it yourself


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I, like most knitters, accumulate the remains of yarn. Impossible such wealth is impossible, so I always think where you can apply them. What can be made of yarn? Another yarn, of course :)

So, the remains of yarn (in the photo are not all) we sort in colors.

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From each flush crochet knit the air chain. From both sides, we leave tails.

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It turns out a lot of such ropes.

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We take one of them, inhaling the tail in the needle.

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Insert the needle to the beginning of another rope (blue), pull up.

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Make 8-10 stitches on a blue rope. Then the same way is 8-10 stitches along the purple rope.

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Tails cut. We continue to sew so much.

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Clushing grows

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It turns out such a cheerful yarn.

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And this is.

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From it you can knit mats, baskets and more. For a smoother flower transition, it is better to add any suitable in color yarn.

Pleasant creativity!

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