Vase with golden pattern with your own hands


From any glass bottle or cans you can make a beautiful colors vase. To do this, it is necessary to simply decorate the gravestone gold: do it yourself or order in a special workshop.

Vase with golden pattern with your own hands

1. Gently glue the film on the glass vase. It can be on one side of a vase or bend and go round. Carefully scroll the film so that there are no bubbles or distortions.

2. Alternately remove the cutting parts of the picture so that the windows are formed. Those parts of the glass you discovered, degrease.

3. Apply a layer of glue for graval gold. Do not cover all parts at once, since it will not be able to dry exactly and the chapels are formed. Work only on horizontal surfaces. Sweep glue.

Vase with golden pattern with your own hands

4. Tassel-fan apply plates of gravestone gold to pieces covered with glue. Schedule gold and leave until the glue drying. Also perform the second side of the vase.

5. After the gold will fit well to the glass, carefully remove the stencil. For convenience, you can cut it with a battle knife. Extra particles of gold along the edges of the drawing, make a bristly tassel.

Vase with golden pattern with your own hands

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