17 non-standard ways to apply conventional onions that will be forced differently take a look at this product.


Several unusual ways to use a regular bow.

Never thought about how to use onions? In fact, the onion onion has a huge amount of applications outside the cooking dishes, about them, in fact, now we are talking. Definitely, most of the councils collected here come in handy every person.

1. Digestion

The benefits of the digestion.

Regular use of onions in food will help to normalize and improve digestion. The thing is that the onions contain soluble fiber (oligophructosis), which contributes to the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestine, and also helps to prevent and cope with diarrhea. In addition, lovers of this product are much less likely to suffer from the stomach ulcer.

2. Fat and Nagar

Onions, as a remedy for fat and nagar on the saucepans.

The remains of fat and nagar on the saucepans and frying pan can be cleaned with a bow. Just put it in a dirty sudden to slickens, fill with a small amount of warm water and leave for a while, and after just wash the pan as usual.

3. Chemical smells

Bow against the smell of paint and varnish.

Onion perfectly absorbs toxic smells. Just cut the bulb into several pieces, put on the plate and leave in the room where the unpleasant smell is hung and soon there will be no trace. In addition, the bow perfectly kills the bacteria, so it can be laid on the apartment during the epidemics periods.

4. Insects

Onions from insects at home and in the garden.

Use the bow to get rid of insects settled in the house. To do this, a small bulb must be cut, put in a bowl, pour into a small amount of water and put at the window. Also, onion in the same way can spray the leaves of plants to protect them from pests.

5. Tray for animals

Teach the animal to the tray.

Use the bow if the homemade favorite fell to protect the need not in the place. To do this, just decompose the pieces of onions in the places that the animal chose. Its smell, most likely, do not like the favorite and will force the animal to look for a more comfortable place.

6. Dizziness

Leek from dizziness.

The smell of onions is an effective remedy, which is probably in the refrigerator. Just cut off a piece of this product and skip it. The dizziness will immediately retreat, and you will again gain a solid soil under your feet.

7. Insomnia

Onions, as a remedy for insomnia.

The smell of Luke, hardly, can be called pleasant, but many fans of traditional medicine assure that it is he who helps to cope with insomnia and is an effective means of combating sleep impairment. You just need to put a few pieces of onions in a cup and put it in bed.

8. Cancer

Onions for the prevention of bowel and liver cancer.

According to studies, the regular consumption of onions in food helps prevent intestinal cancer and liver. The whole thing in the quercetin contained in this product, which slows down the growth of cancer cells.

9. Burnt Fig

Onions for salvation of burnt rice.

Put a few bowl slices on the burnt rice. He will absorb an unpleasant smell and will help save the dish, which seemed spoiled.

10. Metal and cast-iron surfaces

Loke for cleaning metal and cast iron surfaces.

Use half the bulbs for cleaning the grill grill, oven or stove. He cope with pollution is not worse than a tight brush and will not leave scratches on the surface.

11. Gold and silver products

Louk for cleaning gold and silver.

Soak the cut bulb in warm water for a while. Wash the soft cloth with the resulting solution and use it to clean the products of silver and gold.

12. Rust

Onions against rust.

Onions can be used to clean the metal items from rust. Just scratch a piece of bulbs, the affected area until the rust disappears, and then rinse with water and wipe dry.

13. Traces of sweat

Onions from sweat spots on clothes.

Get rid of the yellow sweat spots will help a piece of onions, which should be lost polluted section of clothing. Onion juice will penetrate the fibers of the fabric, will bring pollution, without spoiling the color of the product.

14. Spots of dirt and herbs on the sole

White sole leek bow.

Onions - an effective means for cleaning the soles of white soles from the stains of grass and dirt. Carefully spend a piece of onion with a dirty sole, and after rush all soap.

15. Insect bites

Onion for removing itching and irritation.

Onions possesses anti-inflammatory and refreshing properties that make it an excellent means of pain and irritation after the insect bite. Just apply from time to time, pieces of bulbs to the affected skin area to get rid of unpleasant sensations and speed up the healing process. Also onion juice can be lubricated to the skin to scare up annoying mosquitoes and OS.

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16. Deep Zanozoza

Pull out the off -landic with a bow.

The bow will help to pull the off -lando, deeply seamless under the skin. Using the leucoplasty, take a piece of bulbs to the damaged area and leave for half an hour. Such a trick will allow you to soften the skin, and the zanoz will come much easier.

17. Hair loss

Broth of onion husks against hair loss.

Broth of onion husks against hair loss.

In traditional medicine, the onions are used to care for hair. Its antibacterial properties help cope with dandruff, stop the hair loss and contribute to their growth. Just prepare a decoction from the onion husk and apply it on the hair in front of every wash my head.

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