Porridge "Friendship" - the favorite childhood dish!



This porridge remembers anyone who walked to a kindergarten or rested in domestic camps and sanatoriums. That neither say - the favorite porridge from childhood!

My grandmother, a cook with a 50-year-old experience, said that I had few rice and buckwheat. But no matter how you ask for children, what to cook, all shout and shout: "Friendship!"


And everyone will like who loves diet breakfasts.

Although porridge is boiled on milk, it is possible to eat it with sugar, and salted with oil, with vegetable or meat filling. An unusual combination of rice and millet makes porridge gently and velvety. There is such a dish a pleasure - literally melts in the mouth!

Porch can be prepared in a saucepan with a thick bottom, cast-iron Kazan, a multicooker, a pressure cooker or in the oven. Mandatory condition - prepare at low temperatures under a tightly closed lid. Some hostesses add buckwheat and other cereals to porridge. So the taste changes, but also delicious.


During cooking, millet becomes very soft. Rice envelops each grain, as a result, a single milk-creamy taste is obtained. So, in order to return to childhood at least for breakfast time, write a recipe for the porridge "Friendship" on milk!


1 l milk

100 g risa

100 g of Pshen

2 tbsp. l. butter

Salt or sugar to taste



Boil milk and add to it well washed with a corpse of salt or sugar. Permanent and reduce the fire to a minimum. You can put a saucepan to the divider, to exactly not burned.

The cover of the foil pan, and on top of a tight lid. Warm 30 minutes on the stove or in the oven at a temperature of 150 degrees.

If you are preparing porridge in a slow cooker - focus on the "porridge" mode and load the ingredients for 1/3 of the bowl, so milk will not run away and will not harm the device.


When porridge is ready, add butter, mix and cover with a lid for 10 minutes.

Optionally, you can add raisins, kuraga or fresh fruit. Salted porridge is perfectly suitable as a side dish. Bon Appetit!

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