Warm printed blanket with your own hands


Which of us does not dream of a warm and bright stuffing blanket?

Warm printed blanket with your own hands

In the store, not all models meet the requirements of the buyer: the packing is not as much as I would like, then the colors in which the blanket is not suitable at all of our taste, then the size is small, then something else.

In the course of simple reflections it becomes clear that it is possible to get a blanket for your dreams only in one way - to sew it yourself. As practice shows, it is not at all difficult.

What is a stuffing blanket?

The essence follows from the name. This is a product that is inside with any filler: wool, octoch, syntheps, etc.

What do we have to do?

Determine how the blanket will be. In this case, it is planned to sew a product from squares, each of which will be squeezed with sided wool.

Make simple calculations. First you need to determine the size of the future product. If you plan to create a standard size blanket - 140 x 220, then the size of the stipped elements should be made at least 20 cm.

Important! Of course, you can choose the size and less, but then to tailoring the product will take more time. Of course, you can choose the square of the larger size, but then another problem may occur: uneven distribution of wool. It can ride, so when using the product, not very pleasant sensations will occur.

With the standard size of the blanket, 77 squares will be required.

Warm printed blanket with your own hands

The calculation was made as follows:

First, one side divide on the side of the square: 140: 20 = 7; Then we produce the same actions with the second side: 220: 20 = 11;

The resulting values ​​are alternating with each other: 7x11 = 77 cm.

Important! 20 cm is the size of the square itself. It is advisable to make another 2 cm reserve on allowances.

After they cut 77 squares from one tissue, you need to cut as much from the other. Next, these two different loskutka are applied to each other and stitched. You just need to leave 3- 4 cm.

After this stage of work is completed, you must unscrew the squares and smooth the seams.

Warm printed blanket with your own hands

Next, the resulting bag is stuffed with sided wool and is completely sewn. As a filler, it can also be used the fluff, syntheps and pr.

Note: At this stage, the sequence may be somewhat different. It is not necessary to fill the bag and immediately sew it. You can first fill all the bags, and then sew them.

What to do with the resulting pads?

Becoming the holder of 77 small pads, they must be sehered. If the selected tissue does not apply to one-photon, then the squares should be previously decomposed on the floor (rows 7 to 11 pieces) and create color harmony and symmetry.

After it is done, you need to sew the edges of the squares among themselves. You can do this with a sewing machine or manually using a thread and needles.

Important! It is recommended to first sew a strip of 11 squares and to sew the rest to it.

During the manufacture of a blanket should be thought of good, because, positive emotions and positive thinking can make a real mascot from the thing.

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