How to remove the mounting foam


How to remove the mounting foam
Surely you met with such a problem as a frozen mounting foam. With such a problem often have the case of window or doors installer, as they constantly work with foam. But if they have already sufficient knowledge of knowledge for the use and removal of remnants of this material, most people just do not have sufficient experience and often fall into such a situation when foam hit any surface and hardened.

We remove the frozen foam

So, since you have fallen into such a situation, proceed to remove. In this case, the frozen foam is located on the jacket of the door from the veneer.

The first thing is mechanically removing large pieces. To do this, take any screwdriver, chisel or other acute tool. And carefully, without touching the surface to not damage it, we remove the foam.

How to remove the mounting foam
As a result, small traces remained.

How to remove the mounting foam
The main component by which we will delete traces is a dimexide. Drug tool that can be bought in any pharmacy. This is actually the whole secret of this method. It is worth the tool inexpensively and the pocket will not hit hard.

How to remove the mounting foam
We take a cotton disk, wetting it with dimexide and apply foam to residues. We are waiting for 3-5 minutes.

How to remove the mounting foam
Then just delete.

How to remove the mounting foam
The foam becomes soft and easily removed.

How to remove the mounting foam
As a result, the surface is completely cleaned, despite even the fact that this foam is not one day.

How to remove the mounting foam
This method is suitable for removing foam with solid surface and with tissue, hands or other surfaces.

Carefully need to be used with lacquered surfaces, since the dimexide can dissolve them. Therefore, preliminary discharge does not need to be done.

You also need to be attentive if the dimexide has contact with your skin. Although it is a drug and created specifically for treatment, there is a chance of a rare allergic reaction due to the intolerance to the components, read the instructions for use.

Yes, in fact, it is necessary to work as with any other solvent: in a well-ventilated room, given the safety technique.

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