Clean home: 10 rules, how to avoid messy and always maintain order in the house


10 rules, how to avoid mess and always maintain the order of the house

The house should be the place of maximum safety and comfort. Yes, we heard the opinion of scientists that the "creative disorder" stimulates creativity. But, nevertheless, we believe that nothing provides comfort and relax more than purity and order. It is a pity that it is impossible to strengthen it once, and so that everything remained all the time. But these 10 gold rules will accurately help maintain order from cleaning. Even in the house with small children.

10 rules, how to avoid mess and always maintain the order of the house

Few people like cleaning. But it does not go anywhere. If, of course, you do not dream to live in a mountain of dust, garbage and cat wool. But a little stretch the time between each "general" is quite real. Especially if you make these 10 rules of the clean house with your everyday habit.

Rule 1: Everything your place

10 rules, how to avoid mess and always maintain the order of the house

Keys, decorations, bottom linen, charger, cups and collections of discs of the 90s - each thing in the house should be their clearly designated place. Whether shelves, box in the rack or cardboard box. This is the basic rule of any clean home. And it also greatly facilitates any search for a "disappearance", because you always know what they put.

Rule 2: Put back

10 rules, how to avoid mess and always maintain the order of the house

Logical output from the previous rule: after something used something, put it back. Are you a day of decoration? In the evening neatly return it to the box (even if you're going to wear tomorrow). Conscerted? The brush returns to his glass. The same rule refers to children's toys. Teach kids to fold them after the game back to the box. And you yourself will not notice how this very simple habit will make your home clean.

Rule 3: Never leave dishes in the sink

10 rules, how to avoid mess and always maintain the order of the house

Ka and in the case of "Put back", the dishes after meals need to return to the place. It is desirable, clean. And it's easy to do it: just wash it immediately at the end of dinner or drinking a cup of coffee, without launching in a long box. First it will be difficult, but it will quickly go into a healthy habit. And relieves from this unpleasant feeling "I still need to do something."

Rule 4: Don't leave anything in the morning

10 rules, how to avoid mess and always maintain the order of the house

We are talking exclusively about home affairs. Perhaps this complex working task you really decide much more efficiently on a fresh head, but it is better to wash the dishes from the evening. Just like to cook Lunch, and at the same time clean clothes for tomorrow. These simple things will get rid of excess stress before work and make it really kind every morning.

Rule 5: Always lay the bed

10 rules, how to avoid mess and always maintain the order of the house

Yes, it is so simple. But this basic thing is in an amazing way sets an organized mood for the whole day. So, getting out of bed - immediately stack it. And teach the same babies from the earliest years.

Rule 6: "Is the iron turned off?"

10 rules, how to avoid mess and always maintain the order of the house

Everyone is familiar with this anxiety (closely bordering paranoia), and whether you have not forgotten, leaving home. But it will never be if you learn before going out to always do the basic check: go through all rooms and check all outlets. And unpleasant doubts will disappear by themselves.

Rule 7: on the shelves

10 rules, how to avoid mess and always maintain the order of the house

Most of us faces the fact that the houses are imperceptibly accumulated by a huge number of all sorts of papers. Sometimes really necessary. In order not to drown in this sea of ​​waste paper, make a habit of sorting all papers on special (signed!) Folders or boxes: one - for working documents, other for checks and warranty coupons, separate for children's tablels or drawings and so on. Such sorting will save you a lot of time, nerves and places in the apartment.

Rule 8: Record

10 rules, how to avoid mess and always maintain the order of the house

What you need to remove, buy or repair - be sure to write it up and hang a list in a prominent place. So definitely not forget. And the probability of fulfilling the conceived will increase at times.

Rule 9: Plan your menu

10 rules, how to avoid mess and always maintain the order of the house

How will this affect the order of the house? Take a look at your refrigerator and understand! You will be surprised how much money will save and how little products will be wasted to leave "on the emission" if you start planning a family menu for several days-week ahead. After all, now you will buy only the necessary products, and not random yummy "just in case." An extremely useful habit you can buy right today.

Rule 10: Each more often

10 rules, how to avoid mess and always maintain the order of the house

Sooner or later, even the most pure house is filled with things. Therefore, at least once in two or three months, arrange the "deliverance procedure": revise your (and children's) wardrobe, selecting things that you will no longer wear and put them on sale or sacrifice for charity. The same applies to numerous bottles of bottles in the bathroom, cosmetics, old magazines and advertising prospectuses. Believe me: it will be much easier to breathe. And the place in the house will appear.

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