20 things you often did in the early 2000s, but today it would look strange


The top things that, if you do today, will look strange.

20 things you often did in the early 2000s, but today it would look strange

Have you noticed how time flies quickly? Only recently, the world is about the beginning of the century and about the problem of 2000, a predicted computer apocalypse, and today, other problems are worried. Also over the years a lot has changed in our lives: technology, cars - and almost everything around.

Also changed and our views on something. And this is the normal course of things. And let's go back 19 years ago and remember what we did in 2000 and that then it seemed normal to us, although today it seems strange.

1. We rewrote CDs and signed them

20 things you often did in the early 2000s, but today it would look strange

The beginning of the 21st century many remembered the era of the heyday of the CDs, which we passed to each other for rewriting. Many in those years on the computer stood a lot of software to record disks. Those who did not understand anything in this appealed to their acquaintances for recording. If you bought a license disk, many of your friends running you so that you give them a disk for overwriting. Interesting was time.

2. In those years, the speed of the Internet compound was 56 kilobytes per second

20 things you often did in the early 2000s, but today it would look strange

In the early 2000s, the Internet most often went through a special modem, which was connected through a roset of a city phone. For access to the network it was necessary to buy, as a rule, special express cards with a scratch strip, under which there was a PIN for access to access to the network. The speed in those years was not more than 56 kb / s, but most often less. But the largest headache was permanent connections.

3. In those years, despite the fact that mobile communication has already been popular, many still used urban payphones

20 things you often did in the early 2000s, but today it would look strange

Yes, payphones in many cities of Russia are still found. But they became very little. And see a person talking on a taxophone, is a rarity. Yes, and it will look like this person today is rather strange. Although, of course, there is nothing in this supernatural. Just use a payphone in principle no sense if you have a mobile phone. That is why many people necessarily pay attention to a person who stands with a handset with a payphone.

4. Stick sticker on video tape

20 things you often did in the early 2000s, but today it would look strange

Despite the fact that at the beginning of the 21st century, many in the house had a computer and a CD player, video tapes in those years were still in the go. Therefore, it is quite normal when people were lined on old videotape stickers, and also signed new cassettes. Today, VHS-cassettes practically no one uses, so this occupation in our days looks pretty strange.

5. Rent on the developing a photo cassette

20 things you often did in the early 2000s, but today it would look strange

Today, in the era of digitalization, when digital devices have almost made an analog technique from the market, the film for cameras is no longer in fashion. But more recently, at the beginning of the current century, most amateur chambers were equipped with a film that was necessary to show.

And so that you have shown the film in one day, it was necessary to search for where to do it. In most cases, it was necessary to wait 1-2 days. Today, of course, the film from the market did not completely disappear. But it, as a rule, is bought only those who remained adherent an analog photography. Professional photographers who believe that the shooting on the figure cannot transmit what the film transmits.

6. Argued about something without being able to google immediately

20 things you often did in the early 2000s, but today it would look strange

In those years, the Internet was not available everywhere. In order to enter the network, it was necessary to connect a stationary computer to the city telephone line and go online at a slow speed. Therefore, in those years, people argued with each other very often about and without. And with the one who was wrong, there were every chance to defend their right, because it was impossible to immediately check the information. Today it looks ridiculous.

7. Do not hold the phone!

20 things you often did in the early 2000s, but today it would look strange

Another major minus release in the Internet in 2000. As we said, in order to enter the Internet, it was necessary to use the modem connected to the city telephone line. Unfortunately, it was impossible to use the phone in this case. It was necessary to choose: either the phone or the Internet. You can not imagine how many scandals were in families. After all, someone had the Internet, but someone's phone.

8. The tariff plans of the cellular communication in 2000 were not on the pocket

20 things you often did in the early 2000s, but today it would look strange

Unfortunately, at the beginning of the century, to afford mobile phones could not many. The incomes of the population at that time for the country the time was lower than the plinth, and the cost of mobile communications is high.

Above you can see the Bilayne Tariff Plan "CITY 100".

So that you understand, the average cost of liter of gasoline in those years was 8-9 rubles. Milk for 1 liter cost 10 rubles. The average salary in the country is 2223 rubles (79 dollars). Tens of eggs - 10-15 rubles.

The most conservative tariff plan assumed a monthly fee of $ 19 per month, a minute of conversation in the daytime clock for 0.60 dollars and at night for 0.33 dollars.

To connect, it was necessary to make a warranty fee of 100 dollars. Incoming at that time were paid.

So you yourself understand how people tried to save on mobile communications, transferring all their calls to the night hours. Today, this would look strange.

9. In those years, there was still a fashion to be collected before the TV with the whole family to view some series

20 things you often did in the early 2000s, but today it would look strange

Today, most often everything looks different. Each family member usually watches something on his smartphone, tablet, etc. Yes, of course, in some families there was a tradition to watch TV with the whole family. But in the early 2000s it was massively. Still, there were advantages without an available internet. So we were more often going to have a TV all together.

10. Rental and sale of cassettes and CDs

20 things you often did in the early 2000s, but today it would look strange

Start 2000, everyone remembers as a heyday of the sale / rental of films, music on CDs. In addition, at the beginning of the 21st century, VHS-cassettes have not yet completely extinct. Today, such benches are becoming less and less. Music and movies are now available online from any device that has access to the Internet. If you need to have some kind of music or a film on physical media, you do not need to run to the store for the sale of disks. To do this, today it is enough to download the desired file from the network and write it on the USB flash drive.

11. We have transferred the download even small files from the Internet for the night hours, as it was cheaper

20 things you often did in the early 2000s, but today it would look strange

Yes, yes, youth today may not even know, but in those years the Internet was limited. Also access to the Internet from the computer was cheaper at night. That is why those who had a modem for accessing the Internet, transfer the time for downloading important files from the network for night hours. Today, this looks very strange.

12. The browser on the Internet Explorer computer before downloading your search query could do this:

20 things you often did in the early 2000s, but today it would look strange

Yes, it was time ... Today if something like this was given any browser, users would refuse him forever.

13. Tamagotchi - Popular toy in children

20 things you often did in the early 2000s, but today it would look strange

In those years, many children dreamed of acquiring the electronic game of Tamagotchi. Unfortunately, taking into account the income of the population at the beginning of 2000, this game was not available to everyone. Today, if a child is seen such thing, it will seem strange. Although sometimes there are children with such games. But, as it seems to us, they buy young parents to their children in old memory (they buy those who in those years himself was a child and had Tamagotchi).

14. Computer held the entire desktop

20 things you often did in the early 2000s, but today it would look strange

Many of us in those years had stationary computers that occupied the whole table. It was, of course, great (not everyone could afford the computer assembly), but the bulky technique really occupied a lot of useful space. Today, such a technique looks dops. Especially the monitor occupying a polystile. Fortunately, everything changed with the arrival of LCD monitors.

15. Including computer, you hurried in a free minute to play solitaire

20 things you often did in the early 2000s, but today it would look strange

It was one of the most popular built-in Windows games. Today it is also played. But no longer massively.

16. Drawing up a ringtone on your phone

20 things you often did in the early 2000s, but today it would look strange

In 2000, there were mobile phones in the market in which a music editor was built into creating his own call melody. At one time it was a very popular occupation of some advanced mobile phone users. Today, something like that you know what it looks like.

17. At the beginning of the 21st century, you could spend a lot of time trying to find the perfect corner for Selfie webcams

20 things you often did in the early 2000s, but today it would look strange

Today is a webcam, self-camera on a smartphone or a laptop does not surprise anyone. But in those years, it was a high-tech gadget, which was a remote web chamber that had to be connected to a computer, after setting the driver.

Unfortunately, the quality of the picture through the chamber left much to be desired. In order to find a place for a more or less normal picture, I had to search for the perfect corner for shooting for a long time.

18. When you needed to find a phone of some company, you had to look for it in phone directories

20 things you often did in the early 2000s, but today it would look strange

Yes, yes, at least in those years the Internet has already been working, finding the necessary information in it was hard. Naturally, it has not yet been all information about organizations. Therefore, many have enjoyed telephone directories or called the Reference Bureau (not for free).

19. Using teletext on TV

20 things you often did in the early 2000s, but today it would look strange

In those years, those who have a TV with teletext support often used this type of information in order to find out the program of gears, weather, news, etc. Today, this type of information still exists. But almost no one uses the teletext.

If today you turn on the teletext on the TV, many of your friends seeing it on the screen, do not even understand what it is (or forgotten, or too young).

20. Constantly delete photos from the flash card of the camera, because there is not enough space

In those years, the popularity and digital cameras have already begun to gain popularity. True, due to low incomes of the population, not everyone could afford to acquire a dear digital camera. But those who turned out to be the happy owners of such a camera with a flash card often suffered, removing pictures in order to free a place under new photos. Unfortunately, in those years the memory card was very expensive. Especially with great memory. But the big memory cards did not solve the problem.

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