So you have not decorated Easter eggs


It remains less time before the Easter holiday!

And if you like to give unusual gifts to friends and loved ones, then look this master class. We will show how using narrow satin ribbons you can originally decorate Easter eggs with your own hands. Surely you nor your loved ones so before. Try unusually decorating Easter eggs and please the relatives and close. We are always glad to share with you the most interesting and fresh ideas!

So you have not decorated Easter eggs

Materials that will need: boiled chicken eggs Satin ribbons 0.5 cm wide (for each egg you need tape 2-colors) Adhesive gun beads, beads, rhinestones, sequins, decorative flowers

We apply a little glue on the stupid part of the egg and glit at the same time two ribbons. Watch the egg with ribbons, crossing them at the edges of the egg. We continue to wind up the tape on the egg, a little disguised aside.

Make sure that no gaps remain between ribbons. With the help of a gun, we continue to glue the rest of the tape, to the stupid and sharp edge of the egg. When all the egg wrap the ribbon, the remaining ends of the tape are sticking to one of the ends of the egg. These are such satin Easter eggs turned out.

So you have not decorated Easter eggs
So you have not decorated Easter eggs
So you have not decorated Easter eggs
So you have not decorated Easter eggs

It looks very beautiful and festive. It remains only to decorate it with beads, flowers, or Easter stickers. The original idea of ​​decorating Easter eggs, but she has one drawback - such eggs are sorry to clean and eat! If you, like us, sorry to spoil such beauty and you want such eggs to be preserved as long as possible, then use the eggshell only.

Pre-remove a raw egg from the shell. This can be done by doing two small holes from opposite sides in the shell.

Then blowing into one of the holes push the egg, cover the holes with scotch. Now you can proceed with decoration with ribbons. Check out a detailed video as decorating satin ribbons Easter eggs.

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