Curtains on the balcony do it yourself: master class


I put out all sorts of seedlings, and now upset. The fact is that we have a balcony goes to the southwest, the sun ship out so that not only plants, but I myself have to hide. Light plants are still needed, but no extra heat. I sat down, thoughtfully, came up with what to make blinds, went shopping to look for cloth so that the light was missing, but protected from the bright sun. In my opinion, it is better to find it difficult for these purposes. I bought a striped creamy-beige fabric, cord, soft braid for scenes, clips and tips for cord, and still velcro to attach the curtains to the window. The idea is this: a straight fabric on every glass separately, along in the middle of the Kulisk with a cord so that you can raise and open a window in cloudy weather. At the top edge of the curtains, we sew the velcycle fluffy, and the response part with hooks glued to the frames with the help of bilateral reinforced tape.

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Curtains on the balcony do it yourself: master class

I have three windows on the balcony that are opening and four deaf biggers. It turned out three curtains 132 by 60 cm and four 135 by 92 cm.

Before gluing the velcro on the frame, washed it so that the surface was smooth and not dusty.

And this morning I woke up, rain on the street. Raised the curtains as much as possible.

It was possible, of course, order blinds, but it seems to me that it is pretty. I'm not talking about price. Curtains cost me about 1500 p, and the blinds would cost 7400 p. What is called, feel the difference.

Curtains on the balcony do it yourself: master class
Curtains on the balcony do it yourself: master class
Curtains on the balcony do it yourself: master class
Curtains on the balcony do it yourself: master class
Curtains on the balcony do it yourself: master class
Curtains on the balcony do it yourself: master class
Curtains on the balcony do it yourself: master class
Curtains on the balcony do it yourself: master class
Curtains on the balcony do it yourself: master class

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